Why Did Men Stop Having Sex

Why Did Men Stop Having Sex
Why Did Men Stop Having Sex

There is a widespread stereotype about the constant desire of men to have sex. But recently, a completely opposite trend has been observed. Young men often suddenly lose interest in their sex life.

Why did men stop having sex
Why did men stop having sex

Sex plays an important role in the life of every man. The desire for physical intimacy is inherent in nature, and its lack can greatly affect men's health. A harmonious sex life improves mood, gives strength, and prolongs youth. But men are increasingly giving up sex for a variety of reasons.

Constant fatigue

Many people live in a fast paced pace. They get very tired and come home late. Energy is needed for a sex life, but there is no energy left. If a man who is forced to spend a lot of time at work is not married and does not have a permanent partner, the situation becomes more complicated. In this case, intimate meetings should be preceded by courtship, some kind of action on his part. But there is no strength for all this, so you have to give up a rich sex life.

Men who are often stressed and work hard keep their distance from the opposite sex. At some point, they decide that at this stage they do not need relationships and they switch to the so-called "safe mode" of existence.


Enthusiasm for what you love

Enthusiasm for what you love is another reason that can make a man give up carnal pleasures. If a young man is engaged in something and he is fascinated by it, everything else, including sex, fades into the background. Representatives of creative professions often encounter such a phenomenon. Due to the emergence of more important matters, not only older men, but also quite young men, often refuse sexual relations. People who work a lot also suffer from lack of free time. They just have no time to think about their personal life.

Health problems

Health problems are another reason men have no desire to have sex. Previously, such changes in sexual temperament were observed in adulthood. Recently, interest in intimate life in some men begins to decline after 30-35 years. At the same time, a slight decrease in activity in this case is the norm. For men and women, sexuality changes differently with age. If the majority of women by the age of 30 are just beginning to open up, in men the peak of sexual activity occurs at 18-25 years old, and then libido gradually decreases. This leads to a conflict of interests and the fairer sex, who did not find a soul mate by the age of 30-35, or who have already become free, complain about the coldness of men. Choosing a younger partner will help solve the problem.

In men, by the age of 35-40, various disorders in the genitourinary sphere appear - adenoma of the prostate gland, prostatitis, difficulty urinating. All of this naturally limits sexual activity.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, which have recently been found even in young men, lead to a decrease in the quality of sexual life. In such a situation, people quickly lose interest in intimate life, since they do not receive proper satisfaction from it. Sometimes the causes of male passivity are hormonal disruptions, poor ecology, and poor nutrition.

Lack of testosterone leads to suppression of sex drive. Men’s fascination with alcoholic beverages, which includes seemingly harmless beer, leads to the fact that over time they stop having sex regularly, and are content with only casual relationships.


Overly responsible approach

Many men admit that they have stopped having sex because they are afraid of a serious relationship, they do not want to take responsibility. They are content with only irregular random connections.

Some experts assure that good, responsible people who are used to thinking a lot and being aware of what they are doing do not have sex. The more reflection a man has, the poorer his sex life. Many representatives of the stronger sex arrange dates with women for one night. They deliberately refuse to meet further.

Modern men often suffer from maximalism. They strive for an ideal relationship and dream of finding one single one that would suit them in all respects. This makes them live their dreams and refuse to meet with those who do not live up to the ideal.

Bad relationships in the past

Healthy and full of strength men also sometimes lose interest in sex life. This happens for psychological reasons. If in the past their relationship with women was not very successful, they will try to avoid repeating the situation, refusing to meet with a regular partner.


More often than not, men lose interest in sex for a while. This is considered normal and should not be a cause for concern. When the mental wounds heal a little, this will be followed by a return to a hectic sex life.
