Why Are Men Afraid Of Having A Baby?

Why Are Men Afraid Of Having A Baby?
Why Are Men Afraid Of Having A Baby?

As soon as her personal life is settled, the woman usually wants a child. A rare man shares her views. And the whole point is in banal fears and complexes, of which the representatives of the strong half of humanity have a lot.

Why are men afraid of having a baby?
Why are men afraid of having a baby?

The first reason. Material insolvency

It is one thing to support only oneself, to spend the earned money on personal desires, it is another thing when a family appears and crumbs remain for the usual entertainment. Many men fear that their income may not be sufficient when their first child is born. And what is more oppressive for a confident man than feeling guilty for not being able to meet the needs and requirements of his child?

The lack of their own home, the inability to purchase it - can also be a good reason in favor of a childless existence.

If a woman lives by impulses, feelings and desires, then men tend to think over everything, weigh, analyze and model the development of the situation in advance.

The second reason. Where is the hurry?

He is young, full of strength, escaped from parental supervision. It seems that the golden time has come when you can live for your own pleasure, and the heirs will always have time.

The biological clock does not stand still and does not wait until the man is morally ripe for fatherhood. The statistics are inexorable - every year there are less and less chances of conceiving and giving birth to a healthy child. And with a difference of more than 35 years, it will be more difficult to find a common language with the offspring.

Third reason. Desire to achieve more

A man makes plans for the future, looks for himself and his place in life, and also tries to improve his financial condition. But with the birth of a child, there is a complete collapse of everything conceived, as he himself believes.

In fact, the birth of a child is a good incentive to move on in your career and earn many times more so that the family does not need anything. This is how financial prosperity is gradually achieved.

Fourth reason. Parental intervention

When the man had already said goodbye to his stepfather's house and got out of the care of his parents, got on his feet, began to build his own family, where he is the owner, it will be so intolerable for him to feel the cap of parental care for raising his grandson again. That is why many men hesitate to have children for a long time.

This fear is ridiculous, because you can always clearly limit the limit of help and interference in your personal life on the part of your parents.

The fifth reason. Selfishness

The spouse is confident that he took a titanic step, made a huge sacrifice on the altar of your love, agreeing to formalize the relationship, and allowing himself to be ringed. For more, he still does not agree. After all, the appearance of a child may well displace him into secondary roles.

Life for yourself is full of delights, but sooner or later they become boring. A void appears in the relationship, which can only be filled by moving to a new stage.
