Why Are Men Afraid Of Women Who Are Too Smart?

Why Are Men Afraid Of Women Who Are Too Smart?
Why Are Men Afraid Of Women Who Are Too Smart?

Men are not afraid of truly smart, educated and wise women, but love and appreciate. But upstarts who boast of their knowledge are carefully avoided.

Why are men afraid of women who are too smart?
Why are men afraid of women who are too smart?

It is generally accepted that men are afraid of smart women. In reality, things are a little different - the representatives of the stronger sex avoid exactly upstart young ladies, who in every conversation strive to insert their own unique conclusion and show superiority over other people. But the wise young ladies, who also stand out for their high level of intelligence, on the contrary, have always been considered the ideal companions of life.

Know-it-all or clever?

The female mind can be viewed from two sides at once. There are many girls who consider themselves to be real intellectuals and try to demonstrate this quality to everyone around them every minute. They study well, their knowledge is based solely on the school and college curriculum, and such ladies seem to read any of their arguments from a textbook from memory.

"Know-it-alls" who condescendingly look down on their classmates, begin to annoy others in early childhood. Especially boys. The character and desire of such young ladies to demonstrate their ideal knowledge to everyone is often preserved even in adulthood. And, therefore, the attitude of the people around them does not change either.


A man is afraid to connect his life with an upstart who will constantly test his knowledge and publicly correct misplaced stress in words. As a rule, know-it-alls do not recognize anyone's opinion, except for their own, and rarely think that sometimes it is better to remain silent than to insert their own "five cents". Of course, they are not ready to let the man be the leader in the conversation. Next to such a woman, her chosen one feels extremely uncomfortable, constantly waiting for a trick and an injection in his address.

Worldly wisdom is completely different. She is not taught at school or at the institute. It does not depend at all on the intellectual abilities of a person, on the number of books read. This is a deeper and more important concept.

If a woman is wise, and in addition to the worldly mind, she also has an excellent education, a stock of useful knowledge, then she can be called an ideal companion for every educated intelligent man. It’s so nice when you can talk with your beloved on any topic, ask for advice, but you don’t need to constantly compete and win back leadership positions in relationships.

Woe from Wit

In cleverly stupid women who are completely devoid of worldly wisdom, men are most frightened by their inability to become real support and support for their second half. For example, during an important and difficult dialogue in a large company, such a lady is unlikely to think about how to help her beloved cope with the questions asked and beautifully get out of this uncomfortable situation. Rather, she will try to crawl forward and demonstrate to others that she herself knows everything and will figure everything out. And the chosen one will also be publicly reproached for his mistakes.


There is no sense in three higher educations and the red color of diplomas if a woman does not know how to behave and correctly set boundaries in communication with her beloved and the people around her. The man next to her understands that under any conditions he will remain a fool. He will not have a desire to move mountains and break rocks for the sake of the girl who will comment on all the exploits with one single phrase: "Yes, and I could just as well."

The fool himself?

From all of the above, we can conclude: men love truly smart and wise women, next to whom they feel like true heroes, from whom they receive support and care. But there is also an exception. If the representative of the stronger sex does not shine with intelligence and can hardly imagine in what part of the geographical map he is, and associates the abbreviation WWII exclusively with computer games, then he will be afraid of any type of women in whom there is even the slightest glimmer of intelligence.

Stupid men are afraid of both the know-it-all upstarts and Elena the Wise, ideal for other young people. Their defensive reaction will be to ridicule any manifestation of female intelligence in personal conversation. But this is not a dislike for smart ladies, but a banal fear to seem stupider.

It is very important for every member of the stronger sex to feel significant in a relationship and in no case is worse than the second half. Ideally, the main one. If a woman understands this and tries to take care of the comfort of a man, then next to her he will be fine, regardless of the number in the IQ test.
