Why Are Men Afraid Of Women

Why Are Men Afraid Of Women
Why Are Men Afraid Of Women

The childish and even adolescent shyness of boys in front of girls is completely natural, as the English writer D. G. Lawrence in the acclaimed novel Lady Chatterly's Lover. The reasons for this shyness can be many and, most often, they originate in psychology.

Why are men afraid of women
Why are men afraid of women

What to do with a woman?

If we turn only to the physiological characteristics of a person, it should be recognized that the female body is much richer and more interesting than the male. The first reason for male fear is the difference between the female and male body. Yes, this reason looks childish and naive, but it is formulated that way.

The thing is that the male and female bodies are arranged in different ways, and men are very often afraid to touch a girl, because they can hurt her or unpleasantly.

When platonic love ends and the time for kisses and hugs comes, the virgin young man, being absolutely "dark" in matters of physical intimacy, is frightened. Firstly, he is afraid of his own ignorance and inexperience in the field of sex, and secondly, the structure of the female genital organs. Of course, to some, this situation will seem completely incredible, because today it is not a problem to be enlightened on sexual issues, but it is not taken from the ceiling and still manifests itself even in modern times.

By the way, Vladimir Vysotsky's unfinished Novel about Girls explicitly mentions these very problems in the relationship between counselors in Soviet pioneer camps, when the guys, after elementary hugs, did not know what to do next, only vaguely guessing: “there must be something something else … How can you not start to feel complexes and be afraid here?

Men are afraid of smart women

Another reason for a man's fear of women is associated with the character and mind of some women. Before saying "yes" - in the sense of agreeing to intimacy or marriage, some women love to torment their lover, to ironize and even make fun of him. And malice and irony are not suitable for every woman.

What kind of man would like a situation in which they are trying to expose him not in the most favorable light, or even a man of a narrow mind? So the guys have a fear of being exposed to ridicule.

Men are afraid of smart women. With them it sometimes becomes somehow uncomfortable and even uncomfortable. Moreover, the mind, like the language of some women, is as sharp as a surgeon's scalpel. That is why they run the risk of trying on the "crown of celibacy" or remaining "old maidens." A rare man will tolerate a strong, independent nature next to him, and even an intellectual.
