Why Are Many Men Afraid Of Smart Women?

Why Are Many Men Afraid Of Smart Women?
Why Are Many Men Afraid Of Smart Women?

There is an opinion that men are afraid of smart women. In some cases, this is the case, and it is quite possible for such a fear to find its reasonable explanation.

Why are many men afraid of smart women?
Why are many men afraid of smart women?

Reasons why men are afraid of smart women

The fear that smart girls cause in the stronger sex is understandable. The fact is that not all men have a high level of intelligence, ingenuity, erudition and ingenuity. If such a guy meets a smart beauty on his life path, he will simply fade against her background. It will be difficult for him to maintain long conversations with her, so over time, the lady will simply become bored and she will leave. In addition, appearing in the company of his friends, a man will feel more stupid than his companion, as a result of which he will begin to develop inferiority complexes. Guys don't need that. It is easier for them to choose a more stupid girl for a relationship in order to seem better against her background.

The second reason men are afraid of smart women is because they are successful. Surely a person with deep knowledge in various fields and a high level of intelligence has already achieved a lot in his life. A successful woman can be self-confident and self-sufficient, but the stronger sex, in order to show their sincere and tender love for their beloved, must provide and protect her. If a girl is able to take care of herself, a man will feel useless and worthless in a relationship with her. Successful women often destroy men's self-esteem, suppress their soulmates, and it is difficult to communicate with them. Guys, being next to such a beauty, will painfully feel like an insolvent person.

What do smart women do to be happy?

Some smart girls, worried about the possibility of their loneliness, try to deliberately act more stupid and seem simpler. They just worry that their mind can quickly scare men away. In fact, this behavior is also unacceptable. Yes, guys are afraid of smart ladies, but they also despise women's stupidity. If a woman really has a high level of intelligence, she will never change her behavior for the worse for the sake of her lover. She will simply wait until a worthy and strong man appears in her life, who will accept her character and her mind, and will not be afraid of any difficulties. Persistent men who sincerely fall in love with smart girls, on the contrary, begin to be proud of their soul mate and try to improve themselves so as not to lose against her background.
