Why Are There Many Single Women Among Rich And Powerful Women?

Why Are There Many Single Women Among Rich And Powerful Women?
Why Are There Many Single Women Among Rich And Powerful Women?

Stereotypes in society are often strong. If success and solvency for men is usually considered an unambiguous plus, then you can sometimes hear negative statements about successful women. They also say that such ladies lose their femininity, and that they cannot build happiness in their personal lives.

Why are there many single rich and powerful women?
Why are there many single rich and powerful women?

Success of a woman - plus or minus

Polls show that more and more men (more often strong and successful) want to see successful women with them. This is not about a woman being necessarily rich and influential or leaving her partner far behind. The bottom line is that ladies who have taken place in some business are less fixated on relationships (and a woman's psychological dependence can annoy a man), they are more confident in themselves, often have many interests and are able to maintain a conversation on various topics. Besides, a woman who has achieved something is probably not stupid. And contrary to the prevailing stereotype, at the moment of frankness, men admit that intelligence in women is very attractive to them, especially if this is not the only virtue and is combined with charm and charm. Women who combine intelligence and attractiveness are able to captivate and fall in love with men for a really long time.

Why successful women are single

However, there is an opinion that successful women find it difficult to find a mate, that men are afraid of them and run away from them, while others use their money and connections. And this is also true. Self-love is a man's weak point. And if a man is initially not sure of himself, if he sees that he is initially more stupid, poorer than a lady and cannot become her equal, he will run away from her, or the woman herself will not want to communicate with him. It also happens that a man has achieved success in life, but complexes from a distant problematic childhood still remain in him, and then he will not want to see a strong woman next to him, because will not be able to assert itself at the expense of her.

If she plays the role of a man in a couple, helping her partner financially, sooner or later he will leave, because will not be able to respect himself next to her, and, perhaps, will enjoy her support, while meeting other women on the side.

However, the tension in personal communication with the opposite sex can be fully justified in rich and influential women, because they know that among men there are hunters for their wealth and useful connections. Moreover, these ladies cannot afford to be too open, so that it would not be later used against them. Therefore, it is useful for such women to study psychology and evaluate men more carefully, however, those who have achieved a lot, discernment is usually present. The main thing is not to succumb to feelings too early and not create an illusion for yourself.

A woman can scare off any man herself if she behaves arrogantly, if she is too serious and does not allow herself to enjoy life. A man will be simply bored with her or he will feel psychological pressure.

Problem or myth

From all of the above, we can conclude that a woman with a high social position should look for an equally successful and confident man. And you should also focus on mutual attraction and respect, the presence of common interests - on what usually allows a couple to have a harmonious and strong relationship. And here everything is already individual.

In general, there are hardly any reliable statistics showing that there are more lonely and unhappy women among rich and powerful women than among all others. Rather, it depends on the woman herself, how she behaves in personal relationships and how she knows how to build them for the benefit of herself. After all, all people have their own reasons for loneliness.
