In the modern world, it is not inner qualities that are valued in men, but the ability to make money. Women dream of meeting not only an intelligent and kind companion, but also provided with everything they need. So is greed driving all girls?

The modern world is oversaturated with information, it is everywhere, and through television, the Internet, certain stereotypes are imposed on a person. Marrying a rich man, getting everything in stock at once is a girl's dream, but one cannot say that it arose in the 21st century, this approach has always been relevant. It was just that the ladies chose not expensive restaurants or beautiful things, the consistency of the man was important to them, his ability to surpass rivals.
Evolution and the best of the species
Historically, men are stronger than women. He was always a breadwinner in the family, he knew how to find and kill a mammoth. Later, the world changed and instead of animals, they began to bring money home. It is the ability to make money that shows the potential of a man, his capabilities and prospects. Those who get the most get the best women. Firstly, he can feed their families, and secondly, wonderful children are born from the best men.
An adult woman chooses not only a life partner, but the father of future children. The conditions where she will give birth are important to her, as well as opportunities for the development of babies. These are instinctive needs that are difficult to ignore. Of course, a man's appearance, his ability to behave, character matters, but all this does not help in the future to provide for the family. But the skills of interacting with people, the ability to handle cash flows, see prospects and realize opportunities give a chance for a good future. And if a man has realized all this, he cannot be poor.
Prosperity is not about dining in restaurants, the outer side of wealth is beautiful, but it is not the main one. It is important that money gives certainty and stability. A woman strives to strengthen her position in order to safely raise a new generation, without worrying that she will not be able to feed her children.
Husband and superiority
Today women can earn good money themselves, they have the opportunity to receive significant funds on their own. But as before, girls are looking for support, support and advisor in a man. That is why they expect him to stand on the same social ladder or higher in order to harmoniously build a family. It is difficult for a lady to rely on someone who does not know how to do anything in life, does not pretend to be more and is not very interested in anything. Such a companion simply does not evoke positive emotions, cannot be an object of love.
A man must show children how to be realized in society, how to use knowledge, how to earn money and conquer the peaks. If he himself does not know how to do this, then the meaning of marriage is lost. A woman is looking for someone who is better, more comfortable in the family life, and not just a burden that cannot achieve something. He is waiting for support, and he also wants to be able to lean on a strong shoulder at the time of difficulties. But if he is not a strong and reliable person, then why build something together?
Of course, sometimes social boundaries win. Sometimes the voices of others press too hard, claiming that you need to get married, that a woman can only be realized in a family. And if there are only weak representatives of the strong half nearby, then you have to choose from them. But hundreds of women then leave their men, realizing that it is better to be alone than with someone who can never become the master of the situation.