There is a widespread belief that if the wedding ring is lost, then a divorce will follow. Or, at least, the couple will have quarrels. Do not despair! What to do and what to do if your husband has lost his wedding ring.

There are many traditional as well as modern ceremonies that prevent the loss of a wedding ring. There are some that can be carried out if the trouble does occur.
Folk rituals
The ceremony in case of loss prevention can be performed by the wife or the husband himself:
1. You need to get up early in the morning and go to the flower shop. There you need to choose the freshest and most beautiful white rose. When giving money to the seller, say to yourself the following words: “I buy for a day, it will come out for life!”. Thank the seller and go to church with her.
2. In the church you need to put a candle in front of the icon with the image of Christ. You need to mentally ask for blessings for married life.
3. At home, put the rose in melt or rain water, and lower your spouse's wedding ring to the bottom. Every time someone from the couple passes by, you need to mentally say: "Bless, the forces of light!". When the rose dries up, you need to leave it at home. She will become your talisman for a long and happy married life.
Rituals in case the husband had a chance to lose his wedding ring.
The same rite can be applied if the husband loses the ring. You need to buy a new piece of jewelry, the same one, and conduct a similar ceremony.
Modern ways
In terms of new rituals, you just need to buy new jewelry. It is desirable that they look like the old ones. Invite your friends, "get married" again, arrange a feast.
For those who have not cemented their union before God, this can be a reason for a wedding. This Church Sacrament is very good at cementing family ties. It is believed that such a marriage is blessed in heaven, and nothing threatens it.
In general, this is more of a psychological problem. If your husband has lost the ring, then you should not panic, despair, and even more so believe in superstitions, what signs it would not be. It has been proven that negative, like positive thoughts tend to be embodied in reality.
Real feelings are not afraid of any signs. Know that your wife's reaction should not be overly angry. If you believe in God, you can go to church and pray.
Or you can just buy new rings and go on another honeymoon. Make sure you travel to a place you have never been before. Spend your vacation so that you will remember it for a long time.
Remember that the main thing is not to take seriously any signs that are associated with the loss of a wedding ring. They are all superstitions, and superstition is sin. Always believe only in good things, and then strong family relationships and harmony in marriage will await you!