The loss of a wedding ring is considered a very bad omen, because it is a symbol of love and means mutual feelings. But do not despair, because the ring can be found if you listen to the following tips.

Step 1
The main thing is not to panic when looking for a wedding ring. Of course, this is the first reaction when you discover a loss. Panic won't help you find the ring. Remember, you still have every chance of finding it. In any case, unlike feelings, this is just a jewel that can be replaced with a new wedding ring.
Step 2
Remain calm and try to remember exactly where you might have lost it. Maybe you took it off to wash your hands or to clean something? Perhaps put on a table before applying cream on your face? Or maybe it just slipped off your finger during some activity? Ask your loved ones if they can help you find the missing.
Step 3
When looking for a ring, you can use a metal detector. But you can only use it if you know the approximate search area. You do not need to buy a metal detector for this, you can borrow or rent it. Let your friends help you search the suspected loss area.
Step 4
You can also post a missing announcement if you have lost your wedding ring in a public place. Do not think that there are only dishonest people around you. In any case, you will have at least some chance that your ring will be returned.
Step 5
For many centuries, great importance was attached to the wedding ring - to influence the fate of the spouses. Therefore, in any case, do not let anyone measure your ring. Parents can only give you their wedding rings if their own experience of family life has been successful.
Step 6
If you still can't find the lost ring, it is best to buy a new one as soon as possible. The loss of the ring is undoubtedly some kind of sign indicating changes in your life, but they do not always have a tragic ending, so you need to treat this without unnecessary emotions.