The Baby Lost His Voice: Methods Of Treatment

The Baby Lost His Voice: Methods Of Treatment
The Baby Lost His Voice: Methods Of Treatment

If a baby has lost his voice, do not panic right away. It is possible that recently the baby screamed strongly and this provoked reddening of the vocal cords. But in some cases, a similar problem indicates the presence of other diseases. Even in the absence of a temperature, you should contact a pediatrician who will prescribe the correct treatment.

The baby lost his voice: methods of treatment
The baby lost his voice: methods of treatment

A professional doctor will examine the child's nasopharynx, larynx and oral cavity in the event that the baby has lost his voice, and will give his verdict. In some cases, you still have to pass bacteriological and other tests. Usually, the pediatrician uses the method of indirect laryngoscopy, that is, he examines the larynx visually using a mirror.

Of course, intense stress and crying can lead to the loss of a baby's voice. If the doctor has ruled out the possibility of infectious and other diseases, you can try to act as follows - give the child more warm drink and periodically inhale. Spicy and salty foods should be excluded from the daily diet.

In principle, the doctor can prescribe special oil fillings directly into the larynx. Do not be afraid of such measures.

If you are used to treating yourself and your family with traditional methods, there are several effective options you can try. For example, you can lubricate the neck of a baby with a solution of apple cider vinegar (about 20 ml per 150 ml of water). You should moisten a cotton swab in such a solution and smear the baby's tonsils yourself. It is also recommended to inject special solutions with a sterile syringe without a needle. For example, an aqueous solution with a few drops of lavender and eucalyptus (meaning essential oils) is considered a fairly effective remedy for relieving redness of the tonsils.

Mix one glass of warm milk with 1 tsp. soda, 2 tsp. butter and 2 tsp. honey. Have your child drink a full glass of this product once a day. This mixture has a very positive effect on the ligaments, softening them. You can also dissolve 4 tablets of "Mukaltin" and 1 tbsp in 100 ml of water. tincture of licorice root. Water the baby with this potion every 2 hours, 1 tsp.

Unfortunately, in many cases, the reasons for the loss of a baby's voice can be much more serious. If the doctor detects an infectious disease, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment. The use of children's sprays, for example, "Hexoral" and taking "Septefril" - no more than ¼ a tablet per day, can help. It is also necessary to give the baby more boiled water to drink.

If the child is already six months old, it is allowed to consume a significant amount of cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, as well as dried fruit compotes.

Laryngeal abnormalities are rarely the cause of voice problems. We are talking about the formation of a cyst. The first sign of such a disease is always a complete or partial loss of voice. In principle, hoarseness in babies can also be triggered by an allergic reaction to a particular product.

Symptoms such as high fever, increased sweating, crying, and heavy wheezing should be of particular concern. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a pediatrician, and not self-medicate. In some cases, delay can have serious consequences for your child.
