Dermatitis In Infants: Causes And Methods Of Treatment

Dermatitis In Infants: Causes And Methods Of Treatment
Dermatitis In Infants: Causes And Methods Of Treatment

Dermatitis in infants can be provoked by various factors, such as food allergies, high humidity, poor hygiene, etc. In the treatment of dermatitis, it is important to eliminate the irritating factor that led to the development of the disease.

dermatitis in infants
dermatitis in infants

Dermatitis is a rash on the skin of a different nature. There are several forms of dermatitis: allergic, diaper, seborrheic, contact and atopic. The occurrence of dermatitis is associated with a variety of reasons. It is on the successful identification of the factor that caused the disease that the result of the treatment will depend.

Dermatitis causes

Due to a long stay in a diaper, a baby may develop diaper dermatitis. The situation is aggravated by high humidity and temperature in the room. An unbalanced diet often leads to allergic dermatitis. In addition, the baby may be genetically predisposed to this form of the disease. For example, if at least one of the parents suffers from any allergy, the child will be 50% susceptible to this ailment. If both parents are prone to allergic reactions, the baby will suffer from dermatitis of various origins, be it an allergy to pollen or a reaction to an external stimulus.

Inflammation of the skin may be due to the child taking medication. The same applies to cases when the baby's mother takes the medicine and continues to breastfeed him. Food allergy caused by early feeding that is not adapted to the baby's body, manifests itself as a rash on the skin. Errors in the mother's diet will not fail to affect the condition of his skin. Various household chemical products - washing powder, soap, shampoo, etc. can act as an external irritant.

Dermatitis treatment

Treatment of dermatitis in infants is reduced to achieving remission. It is necessary as soon as possible to determine the specific form of dermatitis and to exclude all provoking factors. Prescribing drug treatment should be carried out only after all tests have been carried out. First of all, therapy with antihistamines is indicated - "Supradin", "Tavegil", "Diazolin", etc. It is important to follow a hypoallergenic diet and pay attention to the baby's clothes, which should minimize skin irritation.

In the treatment of dermatitis, great importance is attached to air baths and hygiene. It is recommended to treat areas affected by a rash with moisturizing creams - Bepanten, D-Panthenol, Topikrem, etc. Ointments based on lanolin have proven themselves well. Contacts of the baby with household cleaning and washing products must be completely excluded. The duration of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but, as a rule, does not exceed one month.
