A relationship with a womanizer can be compared to life next to a volcano: you never know when another trouble will fall on your head in the form of his new passion. Such an existence causes an acute desire from him to achieve loyalty. But how to do that?

A womanizer is a male representative who values his freedom, considers himself unique, unique and thinks that all women were created only for him. He is fascinated by the game with the ladies "cat and mouse". Such a "hunt" brings new sensations, feelings, emotions into life. Of course, experiencing pleasure from female attention, it would not even occur to him to change. Even if he stops his choice on you and agrees to a serious relationship, he will periodically turn his gaze "to the left." You, in turn, run the risk of constant stress from incessant betrayal. Only if achieving the loyalty of a man is your unshakable, firm decision, then all that remains is to act. There are several ways to achieve this goal:
1. Use his "weapon". Do not talk about feelings, do not call, pretend that for you he is a fleeting hobby. His pride will definitely be hurt - after all, you did not succumb to his charms, respectively, you are not like the rest. But do not overdo it - your excessive coldness can alienate a man.
2. Create intrigues. Become a mystery woman to be conquered. Let him think that it does not correspond to your ideals. In doing so, make a small hint that he still has a chance. When he is completely sure of victory, move away again. Even close relationships do not interfere with stirring up interest in this way.
3. Don't show jealousy. This is the worst way to try and hold on to someone. And even more so for a windy womanizer, because for him loyalty is just a stupid word. You will scare him with this behavior, make it clear that you want to turn into property.
4. Surprise. An effective feminine remedy is beauty. Try to be unique and original, to appear every time before him "new". Remember good taste; experimentation should be enjoyable, but not shocking.
5. Become a welcome and pleasant conversation partner. Make the man interested in you, as with a person who has a wide outlook.
Combining intelligence, mystery, beauty, lack of passion for various scandals, you can make a man constantly return - his other hobbies will not stand comparisons with you. And, it is possible that your womanizer will one day be visited by the thought of stopping betrayal.