How To "cook" A Man: Simple Ways To Become Desirable For Your Chosen One

How To "cook" A Man: Simple Ways To Become Desirable For Your Chosen One
How To "cook" A Man: Simple Ways To Become Desirable For Your Chosen One

Social media, silly TV shows, or low-quality print media tell us about relationships every day. Only true and truthful information is there very little, or not at all.

How to "cook" a man: simple ways to become desirable for your chosen one
How to "cook" a man: simple ways to become desirable for your chosen one

Our culture is full of myths about love relationships and love itself. Each person believes in this and transfers it to real communication with the opposite sex. But often these very beliefs in ridiculous, fairytale mythology become a stumbling block for unhappy marriages. For those in search, this makes it difficult to find a partner, instilling an incredible fear of a serious relationship.

As a rule, the most important myth and point of view of most women is the belief that men only need sex. Nothing, they say, besides him does not care. Here only one has to hear this exclusively from the representatives of the fair half.

Quality intimate relationships are truly becoming an important factor in building personal happiness. But the reality is that men expect a lot from communication with a woman, and this does not mean “only sex”.

"Strong" look: what men expect from a relationship

Respect. This is the main thing that the strong half of humanity lacks from their mistresses and wives. The pride of men suffers greatly from this, although they never admit it. The approval and respect from the companion is important for any of them. Therefore, do not forget to appreciate the one who is dear to you!

Friendly attitude. Any man expects condescension and tenderness from a woman. In this, both sexes are very similar. Maybe, after all, go to a meeting with each other and give a response?

Interest in his inner world. It is clear that we are from different planets and the warehouse of this very world is completely different for us. And what prevents your partner from feeling your love by showing interest in what is really important to him?

You may not be at all interested in football, but listening to your interlocutor with genuine attention is still real! With this tactic, it will become easier to find out everything about the hobbies of your beloved man and find something in common. A woman needs to be wiser in a relationship: it's not difficult for her, and a partner is damn nice!

Do not alter for yourself. Let's be honest, every woman is pretty touchy. Sometimes female effeminacy crosses all permissible boundaries, and many unflattering comments fly to a man. The saw woman has become a very real member of our society.

You cannot criticize a man: we ourselves choose a companion, and it is optimal to accept not only his knightly manners, but also simple human weaknesses!

Any person wants to be loved right now, and not when he stops "talking nonsense", "behaving like a bore." Life is not an eternal holiday. You need to be tolerant of loved ones, and support loved ones always and in everything. In the eyes of others, the beloved man is the best, and the negative can be thrown out in an informal setting.

Loyalty. Do not believe that men are polygamous - this is again a false feminine belief. A partner's loyalty is valuable regardless of gender or age. It is this quality that becomes the basis of a strong union and a symbol of confidence in a bright future.


Men are also endowed with emotions, only they know how to hide them better. Despite their outward brutality, they, like little children, need care and approval!
