The phenomenon is very common in the sexual world. But why do young, beautiful, passionate and open to love women resort to this kind of deception? What are the reasons? To understand your true motives, you will have to take an urgent journey inward. In the process of deep introspection, the answer is sure to be found.

A journey inside yourself
Why do women need this? There are a lot of reasons. Surely, even in your head there are so many of them that it would be enough to write a single article. Freud helped previous generations to get rid of the tensions associated with prohibitions on sexuality. But encouraging subsequent people to elevate sexual pleasure to the rank of something vital. The degree of voltage has increased, but in a different place.
Looking from the east
Osho - an oriental guru - believed that people are too focused on orgasm and lose a lot from it. A similar thought was voiced by the Western psychologist Viktor Frankl, who claims that this fixation is the cause of neuroses. Osho argues that comprehension is harmful. Orgasm will come when you stop thinking about it. When the mind is orgasmic and you are concerned about whether or not you will succeed, it paralyzes the sex center. You just need to play with your partner's body for the sake of the game itself. And everything will happen. People have sex so often that it has become a routine. Surrender to desire only when it is huge. According to the Kama Sutra, if you are making real wild love, then once a year is enough! And pretending is bad - Osho reminds.

Justifying Lies
It is not very difficult to prove to yourself that “it is necessary”. After all, this removes some of the guilt and allows you to ignore the unpleasant question: is there a more serious problem behind such behavior? But it's much easier to find an important reason and relax.
Often, girls do this for the most noble reasons. For example, so as not to upset her husband. Indeed, why upset him if you can cheat a little? Sometimes it can even be beneficial for the relationship. If it happens very rarely. And if it happens often? Then this is a reason to think carefully.
Another reason for this behavior is the fear of losing a loved one. The girls are afraid that one day he will leave to look for passionate entertainment on the side. Therefore, they choose the position of an inspirational actress. After all, the preservation of the union is much more important than carnal pleasures. Of course, it's up to you how to proceed in each case. But by understanding the reasons, you can act consciously. You may have secrets even from your closest person, but they should not fill the entire space of relationships. You can only play episodes, you should not turn the imitation into the main role.

Resource search
Look for a solution to the problem in different directions. Banal fatigue is a common reason that you are not up to carnal pleasures. Think about what you are spending your life on. Because, how much you learn to regulate your daily loads depends not only on self-awareness, but also on the happiness of the family. Let this become an incentive for you to show tender feelings for yourself more often, then the strength for passion will appear.

Every day, ask yourself what is missing in your soul, body, mind? Listen to music, pump up muscles in the gym and explore modern theories of the origin of the world? Allow yourself not to rush anywhere, not to be tormented by a sense of duty, to do only what you want. Feel like you've lost contact with your husband? This should at least lead to heart-to-heart conversations. And sex doesn't have to be the first topic. Share your innermost things gradually. Make time for the two of you. When you bond out of bed, you will regain understanding in it. Start with the simplest things, go to the premiere of a new movie together, and then sit down for a while in a cafe.
It's never too late to learn flexibility in relationships, the ability to change your views, influence and succumb to the influence of a loved one … Prohibitions and self-restraint harm both. Something was not allowed before? It's time to try it. This will refresh the senses. It has been proven that women with an active stance are less likely to need imitation. Go in for sports, start a new project, find a hobby - and your life will change for the better. Always listen to yourself, be sincere with yourself first of all - and then the need for deception will disappear.