Diapers are a hygiene item for children, which from the first days of a child's life is in close contact with his skin. Therefore, even high-quality diapers in vigilant mothers are suspicious if, during their use, diaper rash, rash, redness, leaks appear, or the child behaves anxiously. But fake diapers at first may well "disguise" as original ones and not give themselves away in any way, however, upon closer examination, the differences become obvious.

Step 1
When choosing diapers, even before you pay for your purchase, carefully consider the packaging. It must be complete, without impulses. The film is dense, elastic, smooth. There should be no paint smudges on the pack, the drawings are bright, clear, not smeared, they should not be washed off upon contact with water, and even more so to get your hands dirty. All inscriptions on diapers sold in Russia are always in Russian (except for the name of the brand itself), the pack must have a clearly distinguishable printed expiration date - the date of manufacture and the date of sale of the hygienic product.
Step 2
Open the packaging and sniff. The scent can be either pleasant with a fragrance, or neutral. Original expensive diapers are impregnated with natural fragrances - chamomile or aloe. But they should not irritate the nasal mucosa and be too sharp. The counterfeit will emit an unpleasant obvious smell of powder, gasoline, engine oil, glue, tobacco smoke or other unhygienic unrelated items.
Step 3
Take a close look at the diaper itself. Manufacturers indicate its size on the picture at the front of the product, and the expiration date on the elastic at the back. The drawing itself should be distinguished by a high-quality print, no bifurcations, smudges, or fadedness. Rub the picture with a damp cotton swab - it should not wash off and paint. A high-quality diaper will be of the correct shape, it will not be crumpled, the filler is evenly distributed inside it and does not stray into lumps. The inner layer of a real diaper is always soft, pleasant to the touch, silky. No glue drips, gaps at the joints, protruding sharp corners and hard paper are allowed in the production of quality products. Gel balls that "accidentally" spilled out through the numerous slots of the hygiene product will also be fake - they can be found at the bottom of the pack, after removing all the diapers from it, or directly on the baby's skin after the very first use of the diaper.
Step 4
If you are confident in the quality of the purchase and have started using the product, observe the child's reaction and the condition of his skin. The slightest redness, irritation, rash, diaper rash, adhered gel balls, leaks, chafing, anxiety of the child should alert you and become a signal to stop using the allergenic type of diapers from this pack.