The vast majority of women in their lives have resorted to skillful play, feigning pleasure in front of their sexual partner. If we are talking about one-time imitations of orgasm, this is absolutely not indicative of problems in the relationship between a man and a woman.

This behavior is explained by the peculiarity of the sexuality of the weaker sex, which, in contrast to the male, is influenced by many overwhelming factors. It can be physical ailment, psychological discomfort, nervous tension, fear of appearing frigid to a man. As a result, the woman resorts to a little trick so as not to offend her partner and not lose the image of a sexy tigress in his eyes. If imitation of orgasm has firmly entered the life of a couple and has become commonplace, this indicates serious problems in intimate relationships, since truly frigid women are quite rare.
In order for a man to determine how frank his girlfriend is with him and whether it's time to sound the alarm, you need to take a closer look at her at the moment of the highest pleasure. No matter how great an actress a woman is, she will not have physical reactions to orgasm in the event of a simulation.
- Pay attention to the nipples. Immediately before and at the moment of orgasm, they always harden; when they are relaxed, one can confidently declare an imitation of pleasure.
- It is impossible to experience an orgasm without increasing muscle tone. Usually at such a moment, a woman contracts not only the muscles of the perineum, but also the peritoneum and legs. If the muscles of the vagina can still be artificially tensed, then women usually do not guess to do this with the press or toes of the feet. If the partner at the time of orgasm stretches the toes, neck, a noticeable contraction of the abdominal wall, she really experiences the peak of pleasure.
- After orgasm, women are unpleasant for some time to touch the genitals, especially in the case of clitoral orgasm. If this does not happen, and the partner is calm about continuing to stimulate this area, this is a reason to suspect deception.
- You can pay attention to the reaction of the pupils if sex takes place in a bright room. After the experienced orgasm, they remain dilated for some time.
- During orgasm, the eyes reflexively close. Let it be for a short time, but such a reflex is always present.
In any case, if you suspect deception, you should not make hasty conclusions. It is advisable to talk frankly with your partner and find out the reason for the lack of orgasm. This will help to quickly get rid of the problem and return the passion to sexual relations.