Almost every woman has imitated an orgasm at least once in her life. Some ladies do not even hide the fact that they do it almost every time they have sex. But upon learning about this, the man begins to be indignant. But in vain. After all, if you find out the reasons why women imitate orgasm during sex, then the charges against them will be instantly dropped.

The most common reasons for fake orgasm during sex
By simulating an orgasm, a woman just wants to thank her partner for their efforts. Although she did not get an orgasm during sex, there was pleasure and pleasure. Also, a woman does not want a man to be disappointed. After all, the male half of the population is very receptive in terms of sex. For a man, the main thing is to bring a woman to orgasm. And any failure can hit his pride hard. And if, for example, a woman is very tired all day and realizes that during sex she will not be able to experience an orgasm, then it is easier for her to simulate it once than to explain to the man for a long time that the reason is not in him.
The woman simply cannot have an orgasm or loses interest in sex
There are women, and there are many of them, who cannot get an orgasm during sex. Such girls do not want to talk about this problem with a man and she just pretends that she gets it with every intercourse.
There are times when women simply lose interest in sex for a while, and the partner needs sex. And then the woman agrees to have sex, but does not experience an orgasm. Most often, in such cases, it is easier for a woman to simulate an orgasm during sex. The man will think that his lady is satisfied, and in the near future he will also have an orgasm.
Health problems
Some women can become very sensitive to sex. The partner's caresses instantly bring a woman to the highest measure of pleasure. And having experienced an orgasm several times in a row, a woman simply needs rest. At such a moment, she can once again experience an orgasm, but already a false one, so that the partner is pleased with himself.
Sometimes women have health problems that can cause vaginismus. This is a disease in which the muscles of the vagina spasm. And then an orgasm during sex is not something that you can't get, but even sex itself will be painful for a woman. So the woman tries to finish it as soon as possible, simulating an orgasm.
Woman actress
Many women have acting skills from birth. And some just need to apply them during sex. To simulate an orgasm, a woman resorts to the following actions: begins to breathe heavily, moan louder. Some women are even able to simulate cramps and muscle contractions during orgasm.