Contrary to popular belief, women moan during sex not only from unearthly pleasure. CNN experts conducted a curious survey among women aged 18 to 48 to understand why they moan and even scream during sex.

Why women moan during sex: research results
Not all of the women surveyed moan with pleasure during sex. It turns out that in 66% of cases, women do this in order to accelerate the approach of their man's orgasm.
In 87% of cases, they moan in order to increase the self-esteem of their sexual partner.
Almost 100% of the survey participants frankly admitted that at least once in their life they moaned during sex in order to relieve themselves of boredom or distract themselves from unpleasant pain.
Why women moan during sex: the opinions of psychologists
Sexologists believe that moaning during intercourse is inherent in evolution. Before, a woman really only moaned during an orgasm with pleasure. This showed the man how much he is able to please his partner and satisfy her desires.
Now women have learned to masterfully imitate moans during sex. Every woman does this for a specific purpose: someone urgently needs the latest iPhone model, someone just wants to increase the self-esteem of their sexual partner, and someone in this way is trying to strengthen a relationship with a lover.
According to experts, it is difficult to draw the line between simulation and non-simulation of groans.
When a woman moans during sex, her breathing becomes deeper, her blood pressure drops by half, and the carbon dioxide content in her blood also changes. The woman, as it were, falls into a kind of sexual trance during intercourse.
It turns out that sometimes a woman herself cannot determine exactly how sincere she was during sexual intercourse.
It is safe to say only one thing, that the complete absence of moans during intercourse may indicate a woman's complexes and lack of sexual experience.