Women's Mistakes During Sex: The Opinion Of Men

Women's Mistakes During Sex: The Opinion Of Men
Women's Mistakes During Sex: The Opinion Of Men

Often, sexual relations do not bring the partners the necessary satisfaction. And the reasons for this may be mistakes that a man or a woman makes with their behavior or words. After learning about some of them, you can try to avoid them. And improve your relationship with your partner.

Women's mistakes during sex: the opinion of men
Women's mistakes during sex: the opinion of men

Sex preferences for both men and women are very similar. But representatives of the opposite sexes have their own ideas about sexual behavior, therefore both men and women tend to make mistakes in intimate life. The worst female mistakes during sex are described by many men who have complaints about their sexual partner.

Falsity and neglect

Men really don't like it when their partner behaves unnaturally when pretending to make love. It is very bad when a girl cannot express her true desires and emotions, she constantly pretends, behaves unnaturally during sex. This is very annoying. A man always feels pretense and cannot stand it. It is only in spicy videos that the actresses moan and scream during intimacy. In fact, everything is a little different and you should not pretend and exaggerate emotions during sex.

Sometimes a girl allows her to come on a date without a manicure or with unshaven legs. Men do not like this, contrary to the opinions of many women that a man is not inclined to notice little things. He notices, he just doesn't always talk about it.


Self-criticism and communication

Girls really like to discuss their bodies during caresses. This is a common mistake that annoys men very much. She can ask if she is too fat, or claim that she has an ugly part of her body. All this is done with only one purpose - to hear the opposite. But during love preludes, this should not be done.

Communication during sex is also common among the fair sex. But for this communication to be fruitful, you need to know when and what to say to your partner. Some girls manage to send a message to their friend during intimate caresses. But most women tend to torment their man with questions about what he is thinking now. Especially after intimacy. You need to understand that this is annoying. Moreover, in the first moments after sex, a man does not think about anything. Especially if he feels good with his partner.

Denials of intimacy, compliance with instructions

This mistake applies more often to married women or those who have been in a relationship for a long time. The first euphoria disappeared, routine everyday life began, gradually sexual life turned into marital duty. There are many worries and responsibilities, especially for those couples who have a small child. And according to statistics, during such a period, most often male betrayal occurs.

You need to show your man that he is needed, not only as a getter, but also as a desired partner. The man does not understand why his beloved refuses, it offends him.

Some women tend to do this. To turn your intimacy into an act according to instructions - have sex only in bed, and all caresses must follow an outdated scenario. They do not want to bring something new to the relationship, and men like to act "off schedule." Therefore, the partner's behavior quickly becomes boring.


Discussion of sizing or comparison

According to professional sexologists, the worst mistake women make during sex is to discuss the size of a man's dignity. They manage to come up with funny nicknames (dwarf, baby), not realizing that this humiliates a man. Over time, such statements give rise to complexes in a man, self-doubt, problems in bed, or going to the left to assert himself.

Some women compare their man with previous partners, telling that then everything was wrong, that the previous lover understood her perfectly or knew how to satisfy her better. Such statements cannot be spoken even during quarrels, let alone reasoned during intimate caresses.

By eliminating major mistakes, you can make your sex life fulfilling and happy.
