What are men afraid of in the process of this "delicate" occupation? What mistakes does a woman make while fondling her man's intimate area? How to avoid gross mistakes and prevent unpleasant and even terrible consequences? Read below, you will definitely be interested in it!

1. "Why do you have such big teeth ?!"
Men are creatures of a very fine mental organization and their psychological health can be shaken at the mere thought that their beloved princess will not be able to remove her sharp and beautiful teeth from the most expensive part of their body in time. Due to paranoid fears of this nature, some representatives of the stronger sex are ready to give up oral pleasures. To avoid this kind of unpleasant situations, girls should hide their sharp teeth, "wrapping" them in soft lips. For girls with plump lips, this procedure will not be difficult to do, so they are more popular with men. This method reduces the likelihood of injury to the delicate organ of the sexual partner.
2. "Get this thing out of my face!"
Many representatives of the fair sex are inherently very squeamish and believe that taking a male genital organ into their mouth is below their "royal dignity", so they prefer to replace oral sex with the work of their thin, fragile girlish hands. Dear ladies, we hasten to upset you, blowjob and masturbation are fundamentally different ways of obtaining sexual pleasure for a man. The fact is that the shaft of the penis is less sensitive than, for example, its head, so stimulating this zone of true pleasure will not bring a man to a man, not to mention the fact that he is able to independently satisfy himself in this way.
3. "Deeper, faster, stronger!"
Some representatives of the fair sex believe the following: the deeper, stronger and more intense, the sharper and more pleasant the sensations are. This statement takes place. Men really do not mind when the beautiful tapered nose touches their pubis at a high enough speed, but some problems can arise when using this method. First, girls, do not overestimate your physical capabilities. Too deep penetration of a courageous organ can cause a gag reflex. In order to use this method of oral caress and whatever the "Fiasco" happens to you, you need to seriously prepare, both physically and mentally, while it is better to practice, for example, on bananas or cucumbers. Secondly, when using only this method, you run the risk of getting into a situation of your man's dissatisfaction with your "deep" knowledge in this matter. That is, as stated in the second paragraph of this article, the barrel is less sensitive than the head. If you use this method throughout the entire act of oral sex, then the man will not get the proper pleasure, it will be a little more pleasant than if you just worked with your hands, absolute pleasure will not be achieved anyway.
4. “Don't be afraid! I'm afraid myself!"
Now let's talk seriously! As mentioned above, deep penetration during oral sex is a risk of injury for both men and women. A well-known fact: the average depth of the mouth is 7.5–9 cm, and the average size of the penis is from 10 to 14 cm. If you do some simple mathematical calculations and use the analytical abilities of the brain, you can draw some conclusions: a girl can choke, she can vomiting, coughing and other unpleasant ailments for both her and her sexual partner occur. In order to make a blow job of high quality, enjoyable and at the same time not cause physical and psychological injury to yourself and your neighbor, you must adhere to some rules: