Most relationships develop according to the standard scenario, when the idyll of the courtship period is replaced by mutual reproaches and grievances in life together. It is important to understand that these problems do not appear out of thin air. People create them by their own actions or words. In particular, a woman, trying on her standards of behavior on a partner, inevitably spoils relations with him, which she realizes, sometimes too late.

Some ladies do not respect the personal boundaries of their chosen ones at all. As soon as the relationship takes a serious turn, they begin to think that they have the right to call a man a hundred times a day, throw messages, demand an account of each step. Naturally, most of the stronger sex do not favor such an obsession. Yes, during the courtship period, men are ready to communicate a little more actively, wanting to win the girl, but at the next stage of the relationship, personal space is important for them. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with the manifestation of feelings, leaving the partner the opportunity to get bored in separation and focus on other matters.
Treating a man as personal property

In their obsession, women are able to reach the point that they are ready to fill all spheres of the life of a beloved man with their presence. They begin to follow him literally on his heels, including accompanying him to get-togethers in a men's company, or are often ready to show up to their chosen one for work, without even warning. Such girls are actively building relationships with the guy's mom, posting dozens of joint photos on social networks, as if they want to publicly claim the rights to this man. But he, as a rule, does not at all agree to the role assigned to him as a woman's personal property.
Sarcastic remarks
A sense of humor is good, but female sarcasm can kill any desire in a man to do something for his chosen one. Therefore, it is better to avoid cruel jokes and comments, reacting to the actions or words of the partner.
An attempt to remake a man for himself

Realizing that the chances of meeting the perfect man are very slim, women try to create a prince with their own hands. For these purposes, almost any representative of the stronger sex will suit, at least according to some basic criteria. True, carried away by the process of eradicating other people's shortcomings and instilling new useful skills, the lady does not notice how her chosen one turns into a completely different person whom she would like to see. At the same time, he can lose even those few positive qualities that were originally.
Excessive independence
Wanting to show how much she knows and can do, a woman, at times, is fond of independence in relationships. The man, observing her exploits from the side, gradually relaxes. And then, having played enough of the role of an Amazon, the fairer sex begins to get angry at his inert behavior, not realizing that she herself has spoiled her partner.
Hope for male discernment

Man and discernment are incompatible concepts. These women are able to understand each other through hints or non-obvious details of behavior. And for the stronger sex, it is important to voice their desires, expectations, needs as accessible and understandable as possible. Otherwise, while waiting for him to guess something himself, he will have to endure many disappointments.
Trying to speed things up
This mistake is clearly demonstrated by an anecdote about a woman whom a man helped to carry a heavy bag, and she had already thought of names for their future children. Ladies, sometimes, do not notice how they rush things, expecting serious steps and intentions from a partner after just a few dates. What to do if some girls want to get married and start a family at an early age. But men think differently, and any pressure usually puts them to flight. Therefore, it is better to enjoy the present than to look for someone who will give immediate guarantees for the future.
Extensive explanations
It is difficult for men to understand women because they cannot be short and to the point. If a representative of the fairer sex has gone into explanations, she will simultaneously touch upon many other things that are not related to the essence of the problem. Her partner will likely lose the conversation or stop listening altogether in five minutes. As a result, the woman is offended by indifference, the man is irritated because of non-constructive communication. Therefore, brevity, clarity, information content are the best helpers for ladies on the way to understanding with the stronger sex.
Impulsive behavior
Unfortunately, it is impossible to be in high spirits forever, and everyone has moments of sadness or irritation. But women, at times, hoping for all the same masculine insight, demonstrate their displeasure in silence. And even if the partner notices something and asks, they do not always tell the truth. But then, having flared up over some nonsense, they are offended or start a quarrel. From the male side, such ladies look like ordinary hysterics. However, the problem is actually solved easily if you immediately and openly tell your partner about the bad mood. Then at least he will try to behave more tactfully and more attentively.
Relaxation after marriage
Perhaps the most textbook mistake women make when they relax in marriage, barely getting a man. And instead of a sexy nymph in lace lingerie, a man very soon gets a shrew in an old robe. Alas, the stamp in the passport does not at all mean, as the fairer sex thinks, that they will now be loved even in the most unsightly form. Continuing to surprise, delight and seduce your man is the only sure way after marriage.