In relationships with the opposite sex, women often make the same mistakes. They believe in common beliefs and this becomes a kind of trap that prevents them from establishing their personal lives.

Many women are poorly versed in male psychology and believe that men see and feel the world around them in the same way as they themselves. This creates misconceptions and pitfalls in the relationship.
Taking relationships too seriously
Often, women begin to take a man too seriously, even in the early stages of the development of a romance. They believe that if the chosen one shows attention, looks for meetings with them, gives gifts and compliments, it means that this will inevitably end with a wedding. As a result, some begin to make plans for the future and share their thoughts with a loved one, begin to behave more relaxed.
In fact, if a man finds a woman attractive, he does not necessarily consider her as a potential wife. There is no need to try to force things. With such behavior, you can frighten the chosen one, alienate him from yourself.
Overestimating care
One of the most common female mistakes is the manifestation of obsessive caring for a man. They think that in this way they can bind the chosen one, force him to marry. But the stronger sex has a slightly different psychology. Men do not value those women who invest a lot in them, but those in whom they themselves invest a lot. The widespread law of nature about the return of good done to other people does not work in a love relationship. In men, the image of a mother caring for her son without any conditions and expectations is deposited in the subconscious. Receiving active attention from a woman, he takes it for granted and does not feel remorse or the need to respond in kind. This does not mean that you do not need to take care of the chosen one. It's just that everything should be in moderation. When doing something for the sake of a man, a woman should learn to openly declare her needs or competently lead her partner to take the initiative himself. Maintaining a balance of exchange is a very painstaking work, but it always leads to the desired result.

The ability to sacrifice yourself
The willingness to constantly sacrifice oneself is another relationship trap. Many women think that the ability to push their desires into the background, always agree with the opinion of a partner and accept his rules of the game will help lure a man, make him fall in love with you. They believe that such a "comfortable" relationship can not help but please. In fact, this format gets boring very quickly. Men begin to miss the intrigue, the element of surprise.
An impregnable fortress
Men are conquerors by nature. They like to seek the favor of women, they are happy to join this psychological game. But many of the fair sex do not know how to correctly build a line of behavior. They close, depict an impregnable fortress, completely close, hoping that in the future it will be possible to build very strong relations. More often than not, this leads to the opposite effect. A man regards categorical refusals as a lack of interest in his person and stops making any attempts.

Low self-esteem and fear of being alone
Many modern women suffer from low self-esteem. Stereotypes are most often imposed by loved ones and even relatives. They talk about how scary it is to be alone, how important it is to value relationships. Some seriously believe that if a man cheats, cheats or shows disrespect, this must be tolerated, since the woman herself chose him and there may not be another chance to arrange her personal life. The more a person feels impunity, the less he values his partner.

For fear of rejection, a woman may abandon her own psychological territory. On the last plan are their interests, hobbies, self-care, communication, mastering new skills. When this happens, freshness and novelty leave the relationship, emptiness appears, as the woman ceases to be interesting, and she herself feels depressed and humiliated. In this situation, the union is doomed to failure.
Faith in promises
For women, words are very important that allow them to experience the depth and meaning of their existence. Having met a man, they believe everything he says, not knowing how to separate words from real actions. This is another relationship trap. Taking all promises at face value, they begin to build a certain line of behavior in accordance with this. A man is embarrassed or even frightened by this, and this situation gradually leads to a breakup. The initiator can be both a man who is used to throwing words to the wind and does not want to answer for them, as well as a disappointed woman.
In order not to fall into the trap, it is not necessary to question every word of your partner, but you need to adequately evaluate everything and correlate promises with real actions so that you do not experience disappointment later.