Arguing where to find love, women often choose not the easiest path. They repeat the same mistakes that thousands of girls made. And then they get angry at themselves, at the world around them, at men and ask one question "why is everything not at all the way we would like?" Learn how to avoid popular love traps. How not to make a relationship torture, but on the contrary - happiness.

Step 1
Trap # 1. Finding the alpha male
Why is it so attractive for girls? Why, this is the man of dreams. He is self-confident, successful, a female favorite.
What's the trap? Alpha males compare females to trophies. Having conquered it, they immediately lose interest in it. And they immediately look for the next target. And the woman has to be patient and wait for him in the evenings. Or get out of depression, if such a "handsome" leaves her. In addition, confident men are used to taking a leadership position. Are you ready to become submissive?
How to get out of the trap? Alpha males are stressed and obsessed with being first. Their self-esteem directly depends on the make of the car and the thickness of their wallet. Maybe we should lower the bar? And pay attention, for example, to the beta male? He's also successful. And he enjoys life more than "alpha". He does not need to prove to himself every minute that he is "macho". And most importantly, beta males will make excellent husbands and fathers.
Step 2
Trap # 2. Spending all your free time with your girlfriends
Why is it beckoning? You are having a great time with your girlfriends and you don't feel lonely. And if a man of dreams suddenly appears, then friends are not a hindrance.
What's the trap? Yes, you can have fun with your friends in various establishments. And at the same time to meet a nice man. In theory. In practice, you can get so caught up in conversations that you don't notice the attention of men. And not every man is so self-confident as to approach a group of women and stop their conversation. But this is not so bad. Many women spend their weekends at home gathering in the kitchen for a cup of tea. How then can you find your love? No way. Unless, of course, the man of dreams suddenly, by some miracle, does not ring your doorbell.
How to get out of the trap? Going out with your girlfriends, "fight off" their company in time. It is better to try going to a cafe or exhibition alone.
Step 3
Trap # 3. Getting married quickly
Why is it beckoning? I want peace and family right now. So why waste your best years on someone who isn't ready to get married yet.
What's the trap? Trying to find out how serious his intentions are, you thereby put pressure not only on the man, but also on yourself. Will you be able to live your whole life with this person?
How to get out of the trap? After the first date, ask yourself a question - do you want to meet this man again? Don't rush things. Don't be tormented by assumptions about your future together. Think about it six months after the romance began.