For every young mother, the long-awaited first-born is not only a joy, but also numerous questions, the answers to which are sometimes nowhere to be found. Some parents are worried about whether to give their baby apples at four months.

Apple juice - first of all
It is impossible to single out any rules that are suitable for absolutely everyone. Every four month old baby is different, and only by experience can you find out if your baby will like "adult" food, for example, apples.
Introducing this fruit into the diet of a small four-month-old child should be gradual, and for a start it is worth trying regular juice. By the way, many pediatricians recommend starting complementary foods with apple juice, as it is well absorbed and in most cases does not cause allergic reactions.
Try offering your toddler a few drops of apple juice. It is better to do this before lunchtime, at 11-12 hours. Observe the reaction of the body: if a rash, stomach upset, or unusual behavior appears, you should not experiment more.
If the child's reaction does not cause concern, you can increase the dosage of juice by two to three drops every four days, slowly bringing it to a volume of 50 ml.
There are now special apple juices on sale for children under one year old. You can make fresh juice yourself, but remember that it is best to use yellow and green apple varieties (red dye is an extremely strong allergen), and it must be diluted with boiled water (proportion is 1: 1).
It's time for applesauce
If your toddler has been happily drinking apple juice for two weeks now, the adaptation period is likely over. After this adaptation period, as usually advised by pediatricians, you can give your child fruit puree. Again, this should only be done in the absence of negative reactions to apple juice.
Here the principle is the same as with juices: you give a small portion for a sample - observe the reaction - gradually increase the portion. For the first time, you can offer your baby only a quarter of a teaspoon, that's enough. If the reaction is positive, you can add one fourth of a teaspoon every four days until the volume of puree reaches 50 ml - the required daily dose.
The time for taking applesauce is three to five o'clock in the afternoon.
You can purchase ready-made puree at the store or make your own. Wash the apple thoroughly and grate it on the finest grater (alternatively, use a blender). Remember that the shelf life of juices and purees even in the refrigerator is exactly one day.
Keys: amicillin, ampicillin.