It very rarely happens that a married couple does not face problems in relationships. The most important thing is not to get discouraged during a crisis and learn to overcome difficult moments together.

Every woman dreams that her man will always treat her with love and respect. What joy those moments bring us when a spouse gives flowers, compliments, and gives pleasant signs of attention! I'd like to save such happy moments forever!
But often the family ship crashes on the underwater reefs of boring life and misunderstanding. And now the woman, with bitterness, notices an indifferent look, irritated phrases and her husband's interest in other girls.
But all is not lost! If you are serious about saving your marriage, here are some helpful tips.
Work on how you look and how you feel about yourself
You probably know the common truth - if you want to change the world, you need to start with yourself. How long have you looked at yourself in the mirror with pleasure? Did you do nice things for yourself, gifts? Compliments to yourself?
Change your hairstyle, wardrobe, go on a diet, do beauty treatments. All these nice things can be accommodated, if desired, in the most modest budget.
Remember that you are not only the housewife, but exactly the Woman. Feel the pleasure of being desired and then the attitude of others towards you will greatly change for the better. And your beloved man will be the first to respond.
Smile, always try to be well-groomed and find a way to remain soft and feminine. Even if storms of turmoil are raging around you.
Find common interests. Resume communication
Years of your relationship pass. Days fly by in worries, troubles and everyday routine. And there is no desire to talk to each other, to have an interesting conversation. They discuss pressing problems, the life of friends and acquaintances, politics. And all this is casual, passing, in between times.
Let's remember what you talked about, how you talked at that distant time of the first dates. How hotly everything and everything was discussed. It's time to work on yourself, read books. Get new knowledge, take an interest together. Be attentive, take a closer look at your husband, what he likes, what he is passionate about. Involve the kids, play sports with the whole family, or a new hobby. A common cause always brings people together.
Refresh your home energy
Look in a new way at the room in which you live: is there any junk in the cabinets, old dishes and other nonsense, due to which stagnation of energy is formed. And best of all, make a global renovation and change furniture.
Of course, all changes should be introduced gradually. You will see - as soon as you begin, the necessary forces and means will appear to achieve the goal. Only when there is a free circulation of energy in space, all family members experience psychological comfort and new, positive events are attracted to life.
One friend of mine told me that, having tried all possible means, it was only in this way that she returned strength to a fading relationship. She persuaded her husband to start building a new house! They opened the construction site together. And it worked! Over time, her husband changed from a cold stranger to the loving and considerate one he was before. Now they are already raising grandchildren.
Work on the most delicate topic
If at night you fall asleep with your backs to each other, and sex is very rare and looks like performing annoying duties, then you need to urgently introduce changes! Just do not go too far and go to extremes. This will shock your husband or make him laugh.
Read relevant literature. Introduce new things delicately and unobtrusively. Start taking the initiative yourself, remember - you both were once gentle and attentive to each other. And your nights flew by in delightful bliss. Shake off years of worries, look at your loved one with different eyes. He is still the same hot and romantic young man, hidden behind a load of problems. Discover the young girl in you and your nights will be great again.
Do not forget - only we ourselves are responsible for everything that happens in our life. And for your relationship with your loved one too. What will they be? It's up to you to choose.