Women's Mistakes That Men Do Not Forgive

Women's Mistakes That Men Do Not Forgive
Women's Mistakes That Men Do Not Forgive

True love can forgive a lot, but sometimes even a sincerely loving man cannot forgive some women's mistakes. What kind of female "sins" cause negative feelings in the stronger sex?

What Men Don't Forgive
What Men Don't Forgive

1. Treason

Men are owners, so even the thought that their beloved woman may belong to another enrages them. Such a concept as "betrayal" for each is purely individual: for one it is physical contact, and for another - even the thought of it. It is sometimes easier for a man to part with a cheater than to forgive her.

2. Comparisons with another man

You can never put another representative of the stronger sex as an example for a man, even if it is your father or brother. Such comparisons are unacceptable for a man. Comparing a loved one to others can permanently lose his trust.

3. Self-interest

When a lady openly demonstrates her interest in a man's wallet, begging for gifts and bragging to her friends about her new wealthy position, the man begins to perceive the lady as the same thing that can be bought. It is important for a man to realize that it is he who is needed by the woman, and not his car, dacha and wallet.

4. Taunts

Men tend to dream. And no matter how serious this dream seems to a lady, you need to believe in a man, even if his aspirations and efforts seem absurd. If you do not support a man in his endeavors and mock his dream, you should not expect anything good from him. Only when a man feels feminine support will he strive forward and achieve new goals.

5. Inappropriate remarks about his mother or friends

For most of the stronger sex, a mother is, in a way, a shrine, and any impartial statement about her can destroy your relationship. The same goes for his close friends: even if they seem strange to you, try to get along with them.

6. Stupidity

For men, it is not only breast size that is important, despite the stereotypes adopted by women. Female intelligence is also important for men, and if a lady cannot connect two words, then there will be nothing to talk to her about.

7. Manifestations of superiority

Almost all men want to feel like heads of families, and if a woman is superior to a man in anything, (especially with regard to the size of wages), men's self-esteem suffers greatly. However, this is not a reason to immediately change jobs: a smart woman will make it clear to her partner that he is the most important, even if this is not entirely true.
