Cheating has now become so widespread that every woman, even if she does not admit it, is subconsciously afraid of cheating. But there is a certain list of feminine qualities whose owners are never cheated on by men.

Psychologists have tested different couples for a long time, studied the behavior of both halves, and came to the conclusion: such women are never cheated on. If there were episodes of betrayal on the part of a man, it was more of an accident. Either in a state of alcoholic intoxication, or on a business trip. These connections were one-off, and the man regretted them very much.
Not only are men not cheating on women with the qualities described below, they simply idolize them. Carry on hands, protect, protect. And they themselves are constantly improving to become better for their beloved.
Feminine energy
Now they talk and write a lot about this, because the realization has come that nothing will happen without female energy. If you are always tired, do not feel well, the man will not be able to get anything. That is why he, as a receiving being, will go looking for where to “recharge” him.

Feminine energy fills all space around, she is like a source of living water, having drunk from which, life plays with new colors. It is to such a woman who gives her love and energy that a man is drawn to.
An angry, disgruntled woman is unattractive. Only love and kindness generate the desired flow. Never allow yourself to scream and throw tantrums. Only speak calmly, never blaming anyone.
Mystery woman
Unpredictability also plays an important role. Often a man cheats because he wants something new.
Confidence in yourself and your man
Here you need to draw a line between a successful woman who achieves everything herself, and the woman who gives energy to her husband so that he moves mountains. After all, how long has it been? The woman is the keeper of the hearth, who is waiting for her man from the hunt. And each had a strictly assigned role. The women did not go to get food, they cooked it.
A modern woman is required to create conditions in which a man will develop, grow further and achieve heights. For this, a woman, confident in herself, confident that she is the most valuable diamond, must wait for him at home. A woman who believes in her man and supports him in all endeavors. To which he, having come home, will fall as to a source of living water and be saturated with the necessary vital energy. Grumpy women who are always unhappy with their husbands don't have that kind of energy.
He knows his own worth and will not allow himself to be humiliated
If you find yourself, live in harmony with yourself, your body and mind, you will always know exactly what you want at the moment. Yes, self-knowledge is a long way, but only by knowing yourself you will definitely know your worth and attract the right man. The unworthy will leave on their own, thinking that you want too much from them. Namely, those who do not want to work on themselves, and go to seek solace on the side.

The most important thing is to adequately assess yourself, and if you already behave like a queen, then you need to be a queen.
A woman is not only a source of energy, but also an interlocutor. A man is always looking for someone to talk to and discuss something with. And if his woman is constantly developing, reading, learning something new, he will not have to look for an interlocutor and wise counselor on the side.
Always real
There will never be lies, falsehood, insincerity from this woman. There will never be a feeling that she will stick a knife in the back. If she doesn't like something, she talks about it right away, while not blaming her partner, but broadcasting her feelings in a specific situation.

This woman loves, sexual energy beats out of her. Her gestures, look, everything suggests that she will give all of herself without reserve to her partner. Every bend in her body speaks of her sexuality. But this does not mean that a woman should look provocative. A much greater desire is caused by the one whose body is covered as much as possible.

Do not be afraid that you do not have these qualities. All of them can be developed. Yes, you need strength and patience, but, believe me, real female happiness will be an excellent reward for work. And remember that once you get to know yourself, you will be able to choose your partner for yourself, and not take what is left. If you are already married, your man can also be corrected, because what happens to your partner depends on the woman and her mood. Remember, to change the world, start with yourself.