Which Men Are Women More Likely To Pay Attention To?

Which Men Are Women More Likely To Pay Attention To?
Which Men Are Women More Likely To Pay Attention To?

At first glance, you can tell a lot about a person. Therefore, it is important to look good in any situation in order to impress the lady on the first meeting. There are small details that women pay more attention to.

Which men are women more likely to pay attention to?
Which men are women more likely to pay attention to?

First impression

The first thing a woman's gaze lingers on when you meet is her hairstyle. Men with original haircuts are not particularly fond of beautiful ladies. And neat and short-cropped guys enjoy the greatest confidence on their part. Of course, your hair should be free of dandruff, and remember to wash it regularly.

Pay attention to your hands. Their appearance plays an important role for some ladies. True, the criterion of preferences, in this case, is different for each woman. One is captivated by strong male hands that can embrace and protect. And the second will not be able to look away from the long and thin fingers of the musician.

If a man loves with his eyes, then a woman with her nose. No matter how irresistible the appearance of a man, he can miserably lose the battle for the favor of a lady of the heart, possessing the "wrong" smell. Girls react extremely negatively to obsessive and pungent odors. Many women in every possible way avoid men who "bathed" in cologne. The best first date option is your natural body odor, but first you need to shower and apply a light deodorant. Do not forget about one more very important thing: no woman will let a man smelling of fumes or old sweat into her life.

With further communication, women pay attention to:

Consistency. A man should have sufficient, in the opinion of a woman, means to provide a future family with everything necessary. His consistency is assessed not only and not so much by how a man looks, but also in conjunction with behavior, social status and other data. Sometimes the procedure of such an "assessment" takes more than one week.

The ability to adequately respond to any situations that develop in life, and not get lost in them. Women assess whether a man is able to solve any problems that arise in a woman's life and his own. Can he protect himself and his companion, find a worthy way out of any of the most confusing situations? As well as his ability to simply resist a bully who sticks in the gateway. If he copes with such tests with superiority, his chances of a favorable choice of a lady are close to the absolute maximum.

Kindness. A woman can be truly happy only by being close to a kind man. Therefore, on a subconscious level, most of the fair sex in every possible way avoids relationships with cruel and indifferent men, even if their physical beauty and attractiveness can be considered standard.