Why Women Are More Likely To Avoid Sex Than Men

Why Women Are More Likely To Avoid Sex Than Men
Why Women Are More Likely To Avoid Sex Than Men

Women are more likely than men to avoid sex because of their emotionality and vulnerability. A little resentment or disappointment is enough to temporarily lose attraction to your partner. Sometimes the reasons are related to physiological characteristics.

Why women are more likely to avoid sex than men
Why women are more likely to avoid sex than men

In our society, the myth of the "nightly headache" in women suffering from intimate dissatisfaction has long been entrenched. Are women more likely to avoid sex than men?

Research conducted at universities in Glasgow and Southampton

According to British scientists, the fairer sex is twice as likely to face the problem of losing interest in sex. At the same time, such a period can be extended by several months. About 5,000 men and just over 6,500 women took part in the survey. The age of the respondents was from 16 to 74 years old. They were asked if they had experienced long-term periods of low interest in lovemaking in the previous year. It turned out that this feeling was familiar to 34% of women and 14% of men.


Those who answered yes were asked about the alleged reasons for this situation. It was revealed that the most frequent were:

  • previous sexually transmitted infections;
  • depression;
  • an act of sexual coercion.

These prerequisites were noted in both the male and female groups. The fairer sex said that the reason was pregnancy, small children in the family, or unpleasant memories of the first sexual experience.

Scientists have found that sometimes women who have been in a permanent relationship for a long time, had different sexual preferences with a partner, avoided intimacy.

Refusal from permanent intimate relationships due to fears

Scientists have proven that women are more likely to experience the "emotional cold" syndrome. It's about the fear of intimacy. The root causes are:

  • Mistrust. People around you, especially men, are perceived as a threat to their own personality.
  • Waiting to be alone. The attitudes that have remained with a person since childhood make them not move on to a deeper relationship with someone.
  • Fear of losing control over oneself and the situation. During intimacy, another person "wedges" into their personal space. This leads to a decrease in the ability to influence yourself and your actions.
  • Negative self-perception. A person begins to think that he is not worthy of pleasure, that he cannot bring anything meaningful to himself into sex.

With the fear of intimacy, a complete rejection of sexual relations, the formation of short-term relationships or those that are not burdened with responsibility can occur.


Avoiding sex by women for fear of losing a loved one

Fears arise due to changes in the body as a result of childbirth, hormonal imbalance, the onset of menopause. In an era when the consciousness of the fairer sex is influenced by the stereotypes established in society, gloss, it seems that each fat fold causes terror in a partner. It is the fear of losing a loved one for this reason that pushes women to reduce the amount of sex or switch to intimate relationships only at night with the lights off.

In this situation, it is enough for a woman to love her body, since the attitude of a partner depends primarily on the woman herself. Men often do not notice the flaws of the female body, and the partner, due to her own complexes, creates many clamps for herself.


Why else are women more likely to avoid sex than men?

From time to time, women avoid sex because of resentment against a man. This is due to the fact that intimate intimacy and emotions are very interconnected among the fair sex. As soon as problems appear, it is immediately displayed on the sexual sphere. With a strong and unspoken resentment, attraction may disappear altogether.

Due to its emotionality, a temporary rejection of intimacy can occur due to:

  1. Problems at work. An ordinary quarrel with a colleague or a child's difficulties at school can be a prerequisite for a depressive mood.
  2. Great fatigue. After a hard day's work and doing household chores, women in the evening dream only of rest and sleep.
  3. Physical ailment. Any health problem can lead to a decrease in libido.

In rare cases, a weak temperament is the reason for avoiding sexual relations. If at the very beginning of a relationship a girl can mask it well, portraying passion, over time, a reduced libido will make itself felt. This is typical in cases where the relationship becomes stable, and the woman is tired of pretending.
