A child is the best decoration for a baby carriage. For a mother, there is nothing more precious than a baby lying in a heap of lace. But it is possible and even necessary to give children's transport an elegant look, to make the stroller different from others.

Step 1
Consider functional decorations for your stroller. Such as a fancy umbrella or a colorful rain cover. By purchasing these useful accessories, you can not only protect your baby from the rain, but also give the stroller an original look.
Step 2
A stylish bag that attaches to the stroller handle is another fashion accessory. It is very convenient for storing changeable diapers, water bottles, wet wipes. At the same time, mom can hang it on her shoulder when going to the store. The bags that come with strollers are usually pretty unsightly. Therefore, it is better to sew this useful attribute yourself or purchase it in a store.
Step 3
Toys are a great way to decorate your stroller and keep your little one from getting bored. Look for a pendant-style rattle in stores that you can attach against your baby's eyes. Choose a bright toy with no sharp corners. Otherwise, the baby may, while playing, prick the pen and burst into tears.
Step 4
Large interior stores sell adhesive pictures to decorate the walls. Drawings are very diverse. Look for matching colors and themes. They can be used to decorate the sides of the stroller. It is better not to attach stickers to the hood, they will wrinkle when folded.
Step 5
Paint the spokes on the stroller wheels in bright colors or decorate with colored wire weaving. Reflective stickers can also be attached to the center of the rim. Then the stroller will be noticeable even in the dark.
Step 6
Advice for glamorous moms and babies. Purchase adhesive rhinestones from a beauty or clothing store. From them you can put the name of the baby, heart, pacifier, bear cub on the stroller. Anything that has enough imagination. Rhinestones look especially stylish on strollers of dark colors - blue, black, purple.
Step 7
When decorating a stroller, the most important thing is not to overdo it. After all, this is children's transport, not a Christmas tree. Don't forget your baby's safety. Never use toxic or dirty materials in the decoration. The task of the parents is to make the stroller comfortable and harmless, and only then - beautiful.