The stroller can last a long time if it is regularly inspected and checked for possible problems. Wheels not lubricated in time can cause many unpleasant minutes with a radiant creak.

A small person born into the world needs a lot of things. These are diapers, undershirts, and devices for bathing and swaddling a baby, and, of course, a stroller. It can be called an indispensable assistant in raising a baby: sitting in a stroller, you can look at the world around you with complete comfort or just sleep while walking.
Sleeping in the fresh air is very beneficial for a child, and caring parents will try to provide all the conditions for this.
How to make your wheelchair long
In order for the stroller to last longer and look no worse than a new one, you will need to take good care of it. It is best to get in the habit of combining daily care with preventive maintenance once a month. Parts should be washed as they become dirty, fabric elements should be washed, fasteners should be regularly inspected, and most importantly, wheels should be processed. All moving parts, wheel axle ends, bearings must be lubricated. If you do not pay enough attention to this, the wheels will creak very unpleasantly, and this sound will not give the child a good sleep.
What is the best way to lubricate wheelchair wheels? It depends on what material they are made of. Modern strollers almost all come with plastic wheels, but not all bushings are made of metal.
What is the best wheel lubricant to use
It is recommended to choose a thick grease - LITOL, CIATIM are considered the best, you can use grease. These compounds are well applied and do not go off for a rather long time, unlike conventional industrial oil, which is used to lubricate door locks. The plastic from which the wheels are made does not deteriorate from such grease.
Thick elastic greases, like machine oil, are considered the best option for lubrication - it is effective, safe and long lasting.
It is highly advisable to remove the wheels from the axles before processing, and the axles themselves should be thoroughly washed and dried. In an emergency, you can do without it, that is, just drip oil several times into the gap between the inner stop and the wheel. But with this method of application, the grease comes off faster.
Almost all stroller wheels are made of plastic, but their hubs are made from other materials. If there is a metal bushing in the wheel, it is better to remove it, rinse it in kerosene or gasoline, and then lubricate it.
When lubricating, make sure that the oil is evenly distributed among the moving parts. When everything is ready, the excess should be removed with a cloth rag, otherwise the oil can stain the clothes later. With a conscientious attitude to regular maintenance of the stroller, it will not only last longer, but also during its operation, you can not be afraid of unexpected problems. As a rule, these are minor troubles that can have rather unpleasant consequences, such as unfastening the seat belt clips.