It is difficult to do without a stroller if you have a toddler under the age of three. To choose it, you need to take into account a number of nuances. After all, the model you buy will determine how comfortable it will be for you to operate it, as well as how comfortable it will be for the child himself. The number, size and quality of wheels should also be taken into account when choosing.

Step 1
Most often, stores offer strollers with four wheels, less often - with three, but there are also two, six and even eight. In addition, wheelchair wheels differ in size and material - there are polyurethane foam (monolithic) and rubber (inflatable).
Step 2
Size matters
The larger the wheel, the better. Wheels wear out faster than other parts, because they are the ones that interact with the road. Small dimensions are preferable when it comes to compactness. For example, you want to buy a cane stroller that, when folded, will not take up much space - its wheels should be small. But large wheels provide a smooth ride and good maneuverability, especially if they are inflatable. Therefore, in the case when there is no need to save space, it is worth giving preference to the second option.
Step 3
The quantity is equally important
Most of the strollers are equipped with four wheels, which provide good cross-country ability on snow and sand. The steps in public places are equipped with two-track ramps designed specifically for four-wheeled strollers.
Three-wheeled strollers have two wheels in the back and one in front, they look much prettier and more compact than their four-wheeled counterparts, and they are also more maneuverable. Such strollers can drive even on very narrow paths if the rear wheels are lifted by the handle. It is quite convenient to push them both on the sand and on the snow, however, stones, driftwood and puddles will have to go around. Therefore, tricycles are best suited for urban use.
There are also strollers with two wheels, although very rarely. They are very maneuverable and easy to control, but if you do not put such a stroller on a special stand, it will fall when you release the handle. Strollers with six and eight wheels are the most stable, but they are almost impossible to roll on sand or snow.
Step 4
Wheel type
Wheels are also divided into inflatable and monolithic. Strollers with inflatable wheels have better grip, it is more convenient to drag them up the stairs, but such wheels will have to be periodically pumped up with a pump that comes with the kit or a bicycle / car. And if a puncture occurs, the camera will have to be glued, for which it will first need to be removed from the tire. Punctures are not terrible for monolithic wheels, however, their shock-absorbing properties leave much to be desired, and in winter they have not proven themselves very well.
The front wheels of wheelchairs with monolithic wheels, as a rule, can rotate left and right, which gives some increase in maneuverability, but in muddy such wheelchairs it is difficult to control, and in winter it is better to completely block the rotation so as not to lose control.