Modern strollers resemble complex mechanisms. They contain shock absorbers, complex transformation systems, a brake system and inflatable wheels. When buying a new stroller, the wheels in it, as a rule, are practically deflated. Not all strollers have drip in the kit. Therefore, the parents immediately face the question of how to pump up the wheels.

Step 1
If a pump is included with the stroller, then there are no problems. This pump is compact in size, so you can always carry it with you. If you get a flat tire while walking, even mom can pump it up and continue the walk or drive home.
Step 2
If there is no pump in the kit, you yourself will have to look for how to pump up the wheels. The best option is a bicycle pump. Almost everyone has it. If you do not have it, then surely your friends, acquaintances, neighbors have it. With a bicycle pump, you can easily cope with this problem.
Step 3
If there is a tire service near you, go there. Most likely, you will not be denied a solution to this problem. You may not even be charged money for this.
Step 4
You can try inflating the wheels of your stroller with an automobile compressor. But you might get into trouble. This is because the tip on the compressor hose may not fit between the rim and the wheel hub. Therefore, an adapter is needed, which is not so easy to find.
Step 5
Take things like inflating the wheels in a stroller seriously as it relates to the safety and comfort of your little one.