By the time the baby appears in the family, you need to acquire things that you will definitely need from the very first days. A stroller is an essential item for the choice of which must be approached especially carefully.

About choosing a baby stroller
Most moms consider many criteria when choosing a stroller. First you need to decide which model you are going to buy: a cradle stroller, a two-in-one transformer, or a stroller that combines a cradle, a walking block and a car seat. After that, you need to decide on the desired material and color scheme of the stroller. An important, and maybe even the main, selection criterion is the wheel system of the baby carriage.
Be sure to take into account the fact that the width between the rear wheels of different models of strollers may differ. Therefore, before purchasing, measure the width of the doors in the elevator so that the stroller fits in it.
Swivel Wheels for Baby Stroller
The wheels should be large enough and 25-30 cm in diameter. This is due to the fact that large wheels have better cross-country ability. After all, you do not always have to roll a stroller on a clean, flat sidewalk. It is necessary to take into account bumps on the road, deep sand or loose snow, which are difficult to overcome on a wheelchair with small wheels.
Modern models of strollers are equipped with swivel wheels. It can be installed only on the front wheels or on two axles at once. Often the wheels in these wheelchairs can be locked, so they are fixed and act as in the classic version. The swivel mechanism significantly increases the stroller's maneuverability and control. On a flat road, it rides so easily that you can roll it with one hand. At the same time, the weight of the stroller is not felt or felt at all. While in the case of fixing the wheels in order to turn the stroller, it is necessary to fully raise it, transferring the weight to the rear wheels.
Swivel wheels allow you to take long walks with your child, without giving a fragile woman problems associated with the weight of the stroller, especially if walks are made on sidewalks.
The disadvantage of the swivel mechanism is that such wheels ride rather poorly in deep snow or mud, because they "dangle" in different directions. However, this problem can be easily solved by fixing the wheels until more suitable weather conditions.
Strollers with swivel wheels are three-wheeled and four-wheeled. Three-wheeled strollers are less stable, but easier to maneuver when cornering. Four-wheeled - are a classic version of the stroller, they are stable and good cross-country ability.
However, the choice of a stroller is a matter of taste. Someone prefers a rather stylish, modern and well-equipped tricycle, while others prefer the newly fashionable retro strollers on four wheels.