Few realize that the preference of adults to sleep on a pillow is more a habit developed over the years than an urgent physiological necessity. Therefore, a natural question arises before parents: whether to put the baby to sleep on a pillow or do without this bedding.

Step 1
The answer of pediatricians in this case is unambiguous - the child does not need a pillow during the first three years of life. This is the time of intensive growth of the baby, when the bones of the spine are still very soft and pliable. Therefore, an incorrect position of the head on a classic pillow can easily provoke serious bone deformities and cause poor posture. Another reason for not wearing pillows in infancy is the high risk of choking during sleep. The crumb can simply roll over onto its stomach, bury its nose in a loose pillow and suffocate. Unfortunately, such tragedies do happen.
Step 2
Often, adults are in a hurry to put a kind of pillow analogue in the form of a rolled up flannel or flannel diaper under the head of a newborn baby. This measure is justified in cases where the child has profuse salivation or a predisposition to regurgitation. The diaper will simply absorb excess liquid and help the baby to sleep in a comfortable environment.
Step 3
By the age of three, the baby is physiologically ready to sleep on a pillow. However, if your child perceives a new attribute for sleeping without enthusiasm, do not insist on your own - older children can also do just fine without a pillow. If the baby accepted the innovation with pleasure, take care of choosing a high-quality and safe pillow.
Step 4
When choosing such an important thing for a baby, keep in mind that a good baby pillow should be thin, low and occupy the entire head of the bed in width. Many high-quality specimens are equipped with special fixation devices. They will allow the pillow to stay in place during the baby's restless sleep. Try to make sure that not only the head, but also the shoulders of the little one is located on the pillow. This will help avoid additional stress on the cervical spine.