Adults who cannot think of sleeping without a soft and comfortable pillow often ask themselves after the birth of a baby - does a baby need a pillow? And if so, at what age can you use it?

"Dangerous" pillow
Pediatricians warn that a pillow is not only unnecessary for children under the age of two, but it can also be extremely dangerous. The main danger is the inability of the baby to roll over correctly in a dream, which can even lead to death - lying on the pillow face down, the child may suffocate. Therefore, small children should never have pillows under their heads or around them - they should have free space to turn while sleeping.
Also, the use of pillows from an early age can lead to a curvature of the child's spine, since in a small child it is still weak and fragile.
The baby's head in relation to the body is much larger than that of an adult, therefore, when turning in a dream, it will lie absolutely even without a pillow, as is required for a healthy, full sleep. The same applies to the baby's neck - it does not need any additional devices for the supposed comfort of the baby. Apart from the smooth and relatively soft surface of the crib, small children do not need any orthopedic head restraints.
Anatomical pillows
Some pediatricians recommend that parents of young children purchase an anatomical pillow for them, the angle of which is approximately thirty degrees. The main purpose of such a pillow is to help reduce the amount of regurgitation of the baby during sleep, since the baby's head with its help will be located just above the level of the tummy. The anatomical pillow should be placed not only under the baby's head, but also under his entire body.
However, instead of such a pillow, you can slightly raise the edges of the children's mattress, which will not bend at the same time - the effect will be similar to the action of the "anatomical".
So is there a benefit to anatomical pillows? In world practice, it is questioned, and evidence of this benefit has not yet been obtained. The use of these devices is possible exclusively for medical reasons and only as directed by the local pediatrician who knows all the features of the baby.
It is advisable to use a baby pillow from the age of two. At the same time, it should be made in a flat shape and have sufficient width so that the sleeping child does not roll off it in a dream. When choosing from a wide range of modern pillows, it should be remembered that the main task of a pillow is to support the cervical spine, and not softness under the back of the head.