So the baby turned one year old, during this time he turned from a timid guest into a full-fledged owner of your life, everything now revolves around his interests. What should be the activities, games with the child, what kind of dishes should be prepared and what toys should he buy?

After the child is one year old, do not give him toys that, after taking them apart, can hurt or choke. At this age, it is advisable to offer toys to the child one at a time in order to focus his attention, and when the interest passes, you need to hide the previous toy and give the next one. They do not have to be complicated, but they are designed to give work to the hands and arouse the curiosity of the baby.
Loud and bright electronic "strummers" are not the most suitable option, they will get bored and broken in a few days, and all kinds of lacing, "fasteners", puzzles for learning different sizes, shapes and colors, letters or numbers will be very useful and will last for more than one year …
Games for a one-year-old child are inseparable from learning, so they should be developmental in nature. Of course, we must not forget about outdoor games. They should not be limited only to "catch-up", but also to develop specific skills: games with balls of different sizes, jumping with small obstacles, imitation of the movements of different animals are useful.
Keep in mind that a long motionless posture of a baby at this age increases psychological fatigue and, if the child is restless, it is necessary to change the type of load in time. Alternate exercises for fine motor skills of hands, for strengthening skeletal muscles, for developing memory and thinking (looking at pictures, reading children's little quatrains). Remember also about modeling from salt dough, finger paints, sorting and pouring cereals or pouring liquids into different containers - all this is very important for the development of children from one year old.
The nutrition of children from one year old does not differ much from the previous one (up to one year old) - fatty, spicy, fried foods, mayonnaise, canned food and smoked meats are still prohibited. Recipes for children of this age differ only in the design of the dishes. The kid can already see a beautiful tomato flower in the plate and eat it with great pleasure.
Decorate salads, cereals and soups and you will be rewarded with empty plates and happy kids. There is practically no strongly grated food in the diet of one-year-old children. Food is becoming more and more like an adult, and a child's nutrition should gradually become independent from one year old.
By the age of one and a half, children are able to eat themselves, even if they get a little dirty and spill food. But it is not worth scolding them for this, it is an element of study and development. Don't deprive your children of such an important school.