Where do confident people come from? As a rule, confidence comes with life experience, so loving and wise parents will come to help children who have it not yet large in the formation of adequate self-esteem.

It is necessary
love for your child, patience, listening skills, sensitivity, willingness to help
Step 1
Foster a sense of self-esteem in your child from an early age. The kid must understand that you are confident in his strength. Emphasize his strengths and do not blame his weaknesses. Say more often: "You will definitely succeed", "You will certainly cope", "You are coping better and better."
Step 2
Give your child the opportunity to play. Through play, children learn more about themselves, people and the world around them, learn to solve the first problems.
Step 3
Assign specific responsibilities to your child. So he will understand that they trust him and need his help.
Step 4
Learn not to be afraid to follow through on what you have begun. If the child cannot solve a problem, support him. Help break down a difficult task into simpler activities that your child can handle on their own. You can offer the child several ways to solve the problem (if he does not yet see them himself), but leave the final choice to the child.
Step 5
Compare your child not with other children (even if the comparison is in his favor), but his "today" with him "yesterday". Also teach to see yourself "tomorrow", always leaving the child a chance to change for the better. This approach creates a fertile ground for building self-confidence.
Step 6
Accept your child as he is. Even small victories of a child over himself should be noticed by you. Appreciate everything, even if you are waiting for other achievements.
Step 7
Don't try to warn your little one every step of the way. The overprotective keeps the child in constant tension, undermining his self-confidence.
Step 8
You should not go to the other extreme - indifference to children's problems. Dealing with difficulties one-on-one can break the character at the very beginning of its formation. Therefore, be nearby, always ready to help him.
Step 9
Teach your child to express their desires and feelings directly. Shy children are often led by other people's opinions because they do not know how to explain what they want.
Step 10
Let your baby at least occasionally argue with you, as well as convince you of something very important to him. Allow him at least once to do as he sees fit, even if you strongly disagree with this. The ability to defend one's point of view is one of the traits of a self-confident person.
Step 11
Instill in your child the joy of being with other people. Invite your friends and your baby's friends to visit, go visit yourself. Visit crowded places, museums and theaters together more often.
Step 12
Teach your child to understand that it is impossible to please all people - what will be an advantage in the eyes of one person, another may consider a disadvantage.