Perhaps these tips will cause protest from some parents. But what about a happy childhood, ask? This approach implies that the child should be constantly busy with educational games.

Encourage children to stick to the day plan that you create with them. Children's day should be filled not only with games, but also with household help, for example, cleaning their toys, playing sports and studying. The plan should be made up of alternating activities: physical exercise, then spiritual and intellectual development. Do not forget to walk more in the fresh air, play games with friends.
Council number 1. Drawing up, and then fulfilling a daily plan, will help the child in the future to be disciplined, and teach how to properly observe the daily routine.
Council number 2. In the family, only those games are allowed that are aimed at development. Games should combine intellectual and physical development. Try to completely exclude from the life of your child, computer runners, shooters, adventure games. Some parents believe that there are games on the computer that will help the baby's development. If the parents are of this opinion, allow the child to play such a game, but no more than an hour a day, this is quite enough, and then try to switch his attention to other equally interesting areas of life.
Council number 3. Obedience from the first word. If parents say the word “no” to the child ten times a day, without explaining why, it is difficult for him to understand what they want to achieve from him, and takes the action again. Explain to the child why it is forbidden to do this, he will understand, and will obey from the first word “no”.
Try to be firm and persistent. If a child was punished for a misdemeanor and put in a corner, do not fall for tantrums, show him that you regret the measures taken, but he should be punished for disobedience. Do not run a minute after the punishment to wipe away his tears, this will only show weakness, which the child will certainly use next time.