Modern upbringing is based on mutual respect between parents and children. The principles of superiority are not relevant here. Each child is the same individual, only small. He already has his own purely personal opinion, the right to his mistakes. He is the same person as his parents. He just sees this life differently, through his own prism of perception of the world. New methods of upbringing are possible only on condition that the psychological environment in the family is friendly, without stress and conflicts. The child must always have an example to follow before his eyes.

Step 1
You must be respectful to each other for this relationship to become the norm in your family. If dad is disrespectful to mom or grandmother, there will be no sense from such upbringing - only harm. The child copies adults and transfers these behaviors to his world. You and your child should have equal rights in the family, address each other in a calm, benevolent tone.
Step 2
You should praise the child, helping him to realize his own importance. Praise stimulates the development of a little person, forms in him confidence that he is doing everything right. Motivate him to be creative.
Step 3
Do not use negative words in relation to the child. Children are very sensitive - even if they do not understand the meaning of what is said right away, they will remember your words and eventually learn their meaning. The child should know that he is good. Don't make your little one doubt it. "What you sow, so you reap" - if you sow self-doubt in a child, you will get problems with his further upbringing.
Step 4
You must respect yourself - then your loved ones and children will respect you. If the child is rude to you, do not stoop to reciprocal rudeness. Ignore it, making it clear that such an attitude is unacceptable. Don't put pressure on him with your "authority". You must be a wise diplomat when dealing with your child.
Step 5
Take time to listen to your child, discuss his problems with him, be kind to his needs, become a good friend to him. And we repeat once again - communicate on an equal footing!
Step 6
Trust your child more, let him show his independence. Do not discuss him if he does something wrong and do not redo his work for the child. Let him learn to respect his own work. Encourage your child if they are interested in something.
Step 7
Let the child solve problems on his own that will affect only him. Let him learn to make decisions and live with his head.
Step 8
Determine in advance what is acceptable in your family and what is prohibited. Voice all your rules to the child. Never deviate from these rules, even if you are very annoyed or the child asks for a favor.