Every parent strives to raise their child a happy and successful person. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do this correctly. It turns out that there are several simple rules, following which, parents will get closer to their children and will be able to build trusting relationships. After all, no matter how old the child is, he must be able to trust his parents.

Rules for raising a child
1. Joke and laugh with your child. There is no need to be ashamed of being fun while playing with your baby. Try to be on the same wavelength with your child more often, attend various events with him. Important! Your child will remember his childhood for a lifetime, so make this time as happy as possible for him.
2. Don't hide your love. The child should feel loved. No need to shackle yourself in gentle words, hug the baby.
3. Approve your child's actions and aspirations. Praise and support your baby in all his endeavors. Let your child make mistakes on his own, then work together to analyze. If you are angry with him, punish in such a way that the punishment is tantamount to the misdemeanor. Don't idealize your child. Remember! He is the same as other children.
4. Be sure to teach your child to say the word no. Many parents teach their child to be trouble-free. In the right upbringing, this should not be. There are many requests that should be unconditionally denied. The kid must understand this. Do not confuse the concepts of politeness and reliability.
5. Teach your child to express their feelings. Child psychologists recommend teaching your child not to hide his feelings and to show them correctly. In this case, the baby will be able to adapt to the outside world and understand the feelings of other people.
A child born into the world is a person, this feature must be taken into account, while raising him, you do not need to impose your opinion.