The child not only carefully observes his parents, he well feels what kind of relationship they have, so they will pretend to be useless. You need to be sincerely happy for the child to be happy too. After all, in 99.9% of cases, children copy the behavior of their parents when, having become adults, they start their own family. And in order for personal relationships among children to develop well in the future, it is necessary now to observe certain rules of behavior both with children and with a spouse.

Step 1
The swiftness of modern life steals communication with the closest and dearest. Of course, it is important to earn money for the family, cook for the family, wash and iron for everyone. But material care alone is not enough to maintain the spirit of a strong family. Children will grow up, and it will be pointless to regret that it was not possible to spend a lot of time with them. And there is no need to complain that adult children do not find time to communicate with elderly parents, but only financially try to support them. The ability to organize a family dinner, a walk together, a confidential conversation - all this comes from childhood. Never neglect communication with your family. Look for reasons to spend as much time as possible with your beloved children and husband / wife.
Step 2
Do not criticize or scold either the child or your other half. If critical remarks are in your honor, then you know that all they lead to is the desire to defend, take offense, make excuses, evade responsibility, bicker. All this is useless. And it does not contribute to happiness. If someone close to you made a mistake, help him draw conclusions, think about how best to act next time. Your loved ones will surprise you with how wise they can be.
Step 3
When children are confident that they are loved, they learn to love and respect themselves. And these are very important qualities for a happy person. Therefore, try to tell your children and your spouse and parents as often as possible that you love them. Smiling when you meet is a strong indicator that you are happy to see them. Remember to hug and kiss your children several times a day - physical contact is very important for a child.
Step 4
Remember that children are our main teachers. They see the world through the eyes of their parents. And this forces loving parents to be responsible, to constantly control themselves. After all, if mom and dad are constantly angry, withdraw into themselves, get angry, worried, upset, then children grow up nervous and unhappy. And in order for a child to grow up as a happy person, parents need to always control themselves and their actions in the family, at work and in any public place.