Raising a child happy is the most common dream of parents. Everyone cares about their baby, loves him, but they often make annoying mistakes that prevent the baby from becoming happy.

Step 1
Love your child and try to constantly prove it. A baby needs affection, then he will not feel abandoned and lonely, and in adult life he will not be afraid of relationships with the opposite sex, because he knows how to love and knows what it means to be loved.
Step 2
Teach your child to trust. Parents need to become an example for the baby in everything, and you should never deceive the baby, because if he once notices that he is being deceived, he will no longer be able to recklessly trust the person. And if the person who deceived him is the closest and dearest - his mother? Then he will not be able, in principle, to trust people, and it will be very difficult for him to get rid of this.
Step 3
Give your child the opportunity to independently seek solutions to the problem. You need to start from the very birth of the child: when buying a new toy, you should not show your child how to play with it. Sooner or later, the baby will find a use for it, and such that not every adult will guess. In this case, the child will begin to develop creative thinking and his own opinion, which is very important.
Step 4
Give your baby a chance to enjoy life. You should not protect your child from all the dangers that may lie in wait for him in our imperfect world. The time will come and he will be forced to face them, and without appropriate preparation, he will simply be confused.
Step 5
Give your child the opportunity to solve problems on their own. If the child wants to clean up on their own? Well done. Going to cook your own dinner? Clever girl! Even if the baby does not succeed in everything, parents need to constantly praise him for such an honorable impulse.
Step 6
Give your child the opportunity to live their own life. Often, parents do not suspect that they interfere with the happiness of their own child when they sincerely wish him well. This happens when parents choose an institution, a specialty for their child, and some also choose a life partner. In this case, the parents realize their desires, and the child is left out of business with his now pipe dreams.