What Diet Should A Child Have For 9 Months

What Diet Should A Child Have For 9 Months
What Diet Should A Child Have For 9 Months

By the age of 9 months, a healthy child already has an active nutritional interest, and the diet is becoming more and more varied every day. It is selected depending on individual taste preferences and health conditions.

What diet should a child have for 9 months
What diet should a child have for 9 months

How to feed a baby at 9 months

By this age, the diet in terms of food composition is already similar to that which is present at an older age, that is, feeding with only breast milk or a pure mixture is gradually being replaced by full meals. For lunch, the child receives a portion of soup and vegetable puree with meat, for dinner and breakfast, he is given porridge and fruits. An afternoon snack can consist of cottage cheese, cookies soaked in milk or the same fruits, if they were not given for dinner or breakfast. If a child does not have a tendency to allergies, then at 9 months he begins to receive not only meat, but also fish. It is given no more than twice a week, choosing the least allergenic varieties. From drinks, kefir, compotes and teas prepared without added sugar are included in the diet at 9 months.

Children are not always ready to eat soup and mashed potatoes for lunch. In this case, at lunchtime, you can limit yourself to only one dish, and transfer the second to evening feeding.

If the child is not too interested in the food offered to him

Despite the fact that the menu at 9 months in comparison with the beginning of complementary feeding becomes more diverse, it so happens that the child categorically refuses all the dishes that are offered to him, preferring milk or mixture to everything. In this case, the parents start to panic, because, reading that by this age the child should eat various foods, they worry about his health. In fact, in the absence of any diseases and normal weight gain, you should not worry too much, since up to a year, a full-fledged diet is more important for parents, and not for a baby who is just beginning to learn new tastes. At the same time, when organizing good nutrition for a baby, parents should remember about a sense of proportion. That is, even if a child is ready to non-stop eating only fruit or cottage cheese, he should not follow his lead and exceed the recommended norms for his age, as this is fraught with health problems.

Often the children's menu for months is associated with the presence of teeth: the earlier they appear, the faster food interest awakens.

How to prepare meals for a child

Nothing has changed here in comparison with the previous months. Food should be prepared in a healthy way and then puréed. Although steamed meatballs or meatballs can already be given in small pieces, exercising the chewing apparatus. Whether to add salt or sugar to food is a private matter for each parent, but in principle the child does not need them.
