What A Child Should Be Able To Do At 5 Months

What A Child Should Be Able To Do At 5 Months
What A Child Should Be Able To Do At 5 Months

At five months, the child quickly masters all new physical skills and is actively developing mentally and socially. The life of the baby is becoming more eventful, he devotes all his free time to getting to know the world around him and studying himself, which contributes to the greater development of motor activity.

What a child should be able to do at 5 months
What a child should be able to do at 5 months

What should a baby be able to do at 5 months old?

At this age, children usually already sit well, holding on to the support with their hands.

The baby's spine is still weak and mobile, so it's not worth placing the baby without support.

If the child is taken under the armpits, he becomes straight without bending his legs. At 5 months, the child confidently and purposefully takes toys and objects, choosing from several offered what he likes best. He shakes them, feels them or examines them with his mouth, transfers them from one hand to the other. The grip changes, the child acts with his hand not instinctively, but consciously, he holds a toy in his hand, opposing the thumb to the rest.

Lying on his back, the child can raise his head and shoulders. A physically developed baby may even try to sit down on his own, pulling himself up with his arms. In addition, babies at 5 months already roll over well from back to tummy, which can lead to falls, so parents should be more careful and not leave the baby alone.

Psychological development of the child

Five months is an important stage in the social development of a baby. Now he already knows all the people close to him, opposing strangers to them. At this age, children begin to show distrust of strangers, do not go into their arms and strain in their presence.

The emotional development of a 5-month-old baby is also going far ahead. He now experiences a variety of feelings, including joy, sadness, fear, excitement, and alertness, each in a different way. A 5-month-old child is sensitive to the intonation in the voice of the parents. He will respond to an affectionate speech with a smile, but if strict intonations are heard in his voice, he may burst into tears.

A 5-month-old baby is actively developing speaking skills. He hums for a long time and singsong, enjoying the sounds of his own voice. If parents, communicating with a child, pronounce individual sounds and syllables, he tries to repeat them, enriching his vocabulary. By babbling, he can try and voice various requests, while by intonation and a set of sounds, parents can already understand what their baby wants.

The behavior of the baby on walks changes. Now he does not fall asleep, as before, in the fresh air, but wants to sit for a long time and observe everything that can be seen from the stroller.

If the baby does not sleep during the walk, you need to talk to him as much as possible, telling him where you are now going and what to be around him.

Play is an essential tool for the development of children. In games with parents, a 5-month-old baby can concentrate on bright toys for a long time and look for his mother if she is hiding behind the headboard.
