What A Three-year-old Child Should Be Able To Do

What A Three-year-old Child Should Be Able To Do
What A Three-year-old Child Should Be Able To Do

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A three-year-old child, of course, is still small and defenseless. However, he can no longer be considered completely helpless and completely dependent on his parents. Since the baby, who is 3 years old, knows and can do a lot.

What a three-year-old child should be able to do
What a three-year-old child should be able to do


Step 1

What are the physical abilities of a three year old child? A healthy three-year-old baby, in whose development there were no problems, can not only walk confidently, but also run. He has well-developed coordination of movements and a sense of balance. He can independently climb and descend the stairs, moreover, not alternately getting up with two feet on each step, like young children, but alternating his legs. He knows how to walk on tiptoe, stand on one leg, maintaining balance, jump in place and jump over low obstacles. A three-year-old child confidently takes, holds and carries objects (of course, small in weight and size). He can also throw objects fairly accurately at the target.

Step 2

At the age of three, most kids know how to use a tricycle, scooter, and even without the help of adults. They have developed fine motor skills, they can draw well with pencils, felt-tip pens, sculpt figures from clay or plasticine, connect the parts of the designer, hold a spoon correctly, etc. Some children at this age can count, know some letters, colors, as well as simple geometric shapes (circle, square, oval, triangle).

Step 3

A three-year-old is able to wash his hands and face on his own, use a handkerchief, and dress / undress and put on / off shoes (however, adults may need help when buttoning buttons and tying shoelaces). At this age, the baby begins to brush his own teeth, although not yet as skillfully as his mother.

Step 4

A child who has turned three years old, as a rule, can sit quietly at the table, without requiring constant attention from adults, independently use the devices and drink from a cup. In addition, he can easily be taught to wipe his lips with a napkin after eating, as well as rinse his mouth.

Step 5

In most cases, three-year-olds are fully trained in how to use the potty. They also understand that it is impossible to walk around the house in the same shoes that they came from the street, and even more so to climb into them with their feet on a sofa or chair.

Step 6

A child at the age of 3 already knows that it is necessary to express requests and wishes in a calm, polite tone, not forgetting to say "please". A three-year-old baby can speak clearly, he has his own point of view. At this age, children begin to defend their "I", to resist the requests of adults.
