When the baby is one month old, many parents start to worry, but what should their child be able to do and is he developing this way?

The first month of life for all babies is about the same: they sleep a lot and are awake for only about 6 hours a day. Of course, every child grows differently. Some children may not be calm and already in the first month strongly strain the nervous system of their parents.
By about 1 month old, the baby begins to make more conscious movements. If before that he can constantly wave his arms and legs, now the baby begins to move consciously. It is necessary to regularly put the child on his tummy and then he will quickly learn to hold the head. After a month, he must learn to push off from his mother's palm, lying on his stomach. It will also be better if the baby learns to raise both the ass and the head at the same time.
In addition to physical activity, the child should already perceive sounds and voices. Especially he should perceive the soothing voice of his mother. It is her voice that children begin to distinguish from many others from birth. Know that the better your child listens in the first months of life, the better he will speak.
At 1 month, the baby already knows how to be happy and upset. Of course, this is not as pronounced as in adults, but any mood swings in the mother are immediately transmitted to the child. Close people can make your baby smile and admiration. Perhaps at this moment to hear his first "agu".
In the first month, the baby develops various reflexes:
- grasping - put your finger on his palm and he should grab it;
- search - touch the corner of the baby's mouth with your finger and he should look for the mother's breast;
- motor - put on your stomach and rest your palm on his feet, the child should push off from the palm.
At this moment in life, the child should be frightened by too loud sounds, but it is better not to test his patience and observe silence.
Sleep at 1 month for a child is 2-3 hours, followed by feeding. Calm children sleep 6-7 hours at night without waking up.

For your child to develop correctly, observe harmony in your family. At this time, it is better to give up various scandals and let some of your problems float freely. When you take your baby in your arms, try to convey to him the warmth and care that the baby needs in the first years of life. Regularly stroking the baby's tummy, back and feet - this will contribute to the development of physical activity.
Buy only colorful colorful or musical toys for your baby. This will help develop visual and auditory reflexes.