What A Child Should Be Able To Do At 6 Months

What A Child Should Be Able To Do At 6 Months
What A Child Should Be Able To Do At 6 Months

The closer the baby approaches his first significant date, when he is six months old, the more he turns from a tiny lump into a real man. Although he is still very small, he already perfectly hears, sees and understands what is happening around him, is used to his loved ones and actively manifests a whole range of emotions.

What a child should be able to do at 6 months
What a child should be able to do at 6 months

What should a child be able to do at 6 months?

By this age, most children can sit in pillows or with a support and hold their head confidently. 6-month-old babies can stand for some time, holding their arms to a crib or sofa, and even try to touch their legs and take their first steps. Lying on his back, the child examines his own legs with his mouth, and if he is turned over on his stomach, he actively and rather quickly moves on his bellies. Now the baby turns independently in any direction, bends over.

Taking into account the increasing physical activity, it is necessary to secure the baby's movement around the house as much as possible.

Child development indicators at 6 months

The curiosity of a child at this age knows no bounds, he reaches for plates of food, when adults are having dinner, he tries to eat with his hands. Playing with objects, the child completely picks them up, examines them with his fingers and mouth, throws toys and watches them fall. That is, he makes every effort to study the surrounding space.

For the best development of the child, it is necessary to often spread it on the floor and surround it with a large number of colorful toys to stimulate its desire for cognition.

At 6 months, the baby should already know his name well, distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar people. He has sympathies and antipathies for people other than his parents. A child at this age already has his own tastes, preferences and habits, shows character. During the games, the baby can concentrate on one subject for a long time, so activities with the child are becoming more interesting and diverse. The kid remembers the name of the objects that you show him, and when repeated pronunciation, he looks and points at them.

The child begins to notice important details and patterns, so he is interested in repetitive actions or toys that respond in the same way to certain of his actions. For example, they make certain sounds when a button is pressed.

Games with the participation of adults give such a kid a lot of joy. He seeks to communicate in all ways: sounds, movements, looks.

Communication with the child

Hearing and speech of a 6-month-old baby is already sufficiently developed so that the baby can consciously react to sounds and even respond. At the same time, his answers also have an emotional connotation. By intonation, he can express joy, interest, fear, pleasure. By the voice of the baby, the mother immediately understands what he wants from her.
