When men fall in love, they want to tell everyone about it. But the rules of decency, fear of public opinion, unwillingness to alienate the girl - all this forces them to remain silent. And then they start courting. But how do they do it?

All girls are pleased when a man is courting. Probably, many have paid attention to the fact that men are courting in different ways, and each in its own way.
There are such types who put a woman on a pedestal, give gifts, take her to various resorts, with them you can feel like a goddess. Only now their passion for one girl usually fades away, and they switch to another.
There are also such men - conquerors, leaders. The phrase “I came, I saw, I won” is suitable for this type. Usually these types are hardworking, they like order in everything, including spending money. Everything is practical for them, in its place. You can't get romance from such a man. But then you will feel like behind a stone wall.
Strong women very often choose this type of man who needs to be looked after on their own. Such men are usually very neat, pedantic and romantic. But in the family, the leadership will always be with the woman. By marrying such a companion, a woman acquires a child.
There are also such men who, before building a relationship, look closely at a woman from different angles. They are romantic, but in moderation. He will give the woman whatever she wants, if he considers this waste to be practical. Their husbands are very domineering, but at the same time caring and gentle. They are jealous, they will never forgive treason, but they themselves will never change. Such men expect from women moral support and support in everything, if a woman gives it to him, he will not remain in debt.
To each, as they say, his own. Therefore, no matter what type a woman chooses, the main thing is that there is always spiritual comfort and harmony in the relationship.