A good relationship between a son-in-law and a mother-in-law does not always develop. The tension in their communication creates conflict situations, leading to serious quarrels between the spouses. It is necessary to know the causes of the conflict and be able to understand them.

Rejection of relatives
The reason that the husband does not love your mother may lie in the complete rejection of relatives on the part of the wife. So he makes it clear that if he lives with you, then this does not give him grounds for the obligation to communicate with your relatives. Since your mother is one of the people closest to you, the bulk of your husband's dislike falls on her. The appearance of a mom in your home can cause your spouse's demonstratively negative behavior. So he makes sure that none of his wife's relatives dare to invade the territory of your apartment. Perhaps in this way he asserts himself as the master of the house. Moreover, such self-affirmation takes place in his own eyes. So it is easier for him to feel like the main one in the family. At the same time, he has no specific reason not to love your mother, he just does not try to build at least some kind of relationship with her.
Excessive care
A mother-in-law's hypertrophied concern for a young family can be a good reason for a pronounced bad relationship with her son-in-law. If the wife's mother from the very beginning of the newlyweds' life together begins to interfere in their family affairs, then over time the husband will begin to express dissatisfaction with this circumstance. Even explaining that mom is doing it with the best of intentions doesn't save the day.
The proximity of the houses of a young family and parents does not always contribute to good relations between them. The wife's mother has the opportunity to visit her daughter quite often, to give her endless advice on the housework and relations with her husband. At the same time, the husband does not feel at home, but visiting his mother-in-law. And the fact that the wife begins to look at him through the eyes of her mother further exacerbates the relationship. You can remedy the situation if you immediately and unobtrusively explain to your mom that you are very grateful for her care, but you decided to cope with your problems yourself. This conversation is best done in front of your husband. This way he will feel your support and will know that you are at the same time with him. It will also boost his self-esteem.
Love by order
Take note right away that your husband doesn't have to love your mom. The fact that he loves you does not oblige him to feel the same feelings for your parents and other relatives. You should not demand from him love for his mother-in-law. There is no good relationship by order. Over time, when you have children, he will fully appreciate the care of his wife's mother. At the same time, attitudes towards her will become more respectful.